Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Dr. Franklin’s Island by Ann Halam - 1513 Words
The gasping creatures cautiously circle each other, searching for any weakness, hoping that their next blow will end this eternal battle for power. Their identities indistinguishable, both dripping with the excess of their efforts, fatally wounded from years of endless onslaughts, this is the tireless struggle between man and nature. For centuries, man and nature have come to a point where only one could survive, causing the two to become opposing forces and fight till the death. This idea of dominance between the two leading forces of earth inspires many works of literature and art such as Dr. Franklin’s Island, The Iliad, The Horse Tamers, and current events of attacks as well. Everything has been fought for in this world, from bustling cities to abundant forest, the world a battlefield of clashing ideas and opposing forces, forcing all to be a part of this great battle. The theme of man and nature clashing on the battlefield of life, constantly struggling for supreme domina nce is most prominent in the novel â€Å"Dr. Franklin’s Island,†the epic poem â€Å"The Iliad,†the famous sculptures â€Å"The Horse Tamers,†and the current event involving a small child of Ottawa, Canada attacked by a pit-bull. In Dr. Franklin’s Island the main characters are constantly put through trials where they must fight against their most primal animalistic feelings and those that are grafted into their DNA when they are transformed into animals through the devious test by Dr. Franklin. Semi and MirandaShow MoreRelatedEssay on Dr Franklins Island by Ann Halam2243 Words  | 9 PagesDr Franklins Island by Ann Halam The book I am going to be writing about is called Dr Franklins Island by Ann Halam. The book is about 3 kids, Semirah (Semi), Miranda and Arnie. They won a science competition by Planet Savers to go to Quito. During the journey on the plane, the plane crashed and only Semi, Miranda and Arnie survived. They ended up on the island where they were about to be the next victims of genetic engineering because of two evil scientists called
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Effects Of Welfare On The American City By Matthew Desmond
The book titled Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City by Matthew Desmond talked about the crisis that low-income families face in finding and maintaining affordable housing. Desmond explains the situation like rising housing cost, a shortfall of federal housing assistance, and falling incomes among the poor. Mostly, African-American poor single parent with children face a high risk of eviction. The poor living is something that no one will like to leave, but the conditions of your environment make it so. Poor living leads you into places you would not like to go and keep you in places you do not want. According to Social Science and Medicine Journal titled Health-related Effects of Welfare-to-Work Policies, Welfare to work program is a program that is established to help the poor and needy get out of poor leaving circumstances, which may lead to better health regarding improved income, good nutrition, and reduced stress. In my opinion, welfare to work rather causes harm th an good since this makes them remain poor and stably housed. (Ayala Rodrà guez, 2013) In the book evicted, the prevalence of eviction, scarcity of good jobs, rise in unemployment, declined of employment and payment of wages instead of salaries lead to stable housing for Milwaukee residents who are mostly black. Also, half of Milwaukee black population were manufacturing company workers. The welfare to work policy at that time was that if you want a welfare check you have to work in theShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Race On Housing Issues Essay1341 Words  | 6 PagesGiven evidence of the effect of race on housing issues, even as it relates to home ownership, an exploration of the empirical evidence in how it manifests within rental markets is necessary. One of the leading researchers in the contemporary study of eviction is Matthew Desmond. In â€Å"Eviction and the Reproduction of Urban Poverty (2012), he combines statistical and ethnographic analyses to investigate the ramifications of eviction on the lives of the urban poor. The primary independent variable inRead MoreSummary Of The Book Evicted By Matthew Desmond1771 Words  | 8 PagesEvicted written by Matthew Desmond tells a story involving eight families who are trapped in the affordable housing crisis. The book illustrates true events that take place between 2008 and 2009 in Milwaukee’s South Side. Matthew Desmond’s Evicted is unwavering and blunt in portraying poverty in America. It looks at first-hand accounts of real events with real people. The book is narrated in third person, which allows the characters to tell their own story in their own words. Desmond initially startedRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 PagesWhetten BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY Kim S. Cameron UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Prentice Hall Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo Editorial Director: Sally Yagan Editor in Chief: Eric Svendsen Acquisitions Editor: Kim Norbuta Editorial Project Manager: Claudia Fernandes Director of Marketing: Patrice Lumumba Jones Marketing
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Internship Report free essay sample
Dear Madam, This is a great pleasure for me to submit the Thesis paper on â€Å"Training development practices in banking sector A study on Bangladesh perspective†. While preparing this paper, I tried my best to follow the instructions that you have given to me. The entire thesis is based on my theoretical and practical observation of the bank. I have furnished all the things what I have learnt during the program. The paper attempts to describe my observations, learning’s and experiences gained in the different Bank. Despite the several constrains, I have given my all efforts to make this paper a complete one. I shall be highly encouraged if you are kind enough to receive this report. Sincerely yours Farzana Akther STUDENT’S DECLARATION THESIS PAPER I here announce that the extensive study entitled â€Å"Training development practices in banking sector: A study on Bangladesh perspective†(Conducted on behalf of Farzana Akther) Prepared in partial accomplishment of the Requirement for the award of the degree Master of Business Administration From STAMFORD UNIVERSITY BANGLADESH It is my original work and not put forward for The award of any other degree / diploma / fellowship Or other similar term or honor Farzana Akther ID: MBA-04512627 CLARATION STAMFORD UNIVERSITY BANGLADESH To Whom It May Concern This is to certify that the internee report on â€Å"Training development practices in banking sector A study on Bangladesh perspective†For the degree Master of Business Administration (MBA) major in HRM from Stamford University Bangladesh carried out by Farzana Akther ID: MBA-04512627 under my supervision. The last thank I would like to give Nhung, my four-year classmate at the university for her enthusiatic help so that I can accomplish this report. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report is a short description of two month intership carried out as compulsory component of Bachelor’s program at the university. In this report, I would like to present the basic information about Thang Long Technical Joint Stock Company where I had my internship, the work I did and the lessons I grasped during the internship as well as my self-evaluation on this internship. THE MAIN CONTENTS 1. OVERVIEW OF THANG LONG TECHNICAL JOINT STOCK COMPANY AND THE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT: 1. 1. Introduction of Thang Long Technical Joint Stock Company: Thang Long Technical Joint Stock Company, known as ThangLong Tech is a small private enterprise located on the Floor 1, DN 2, OCT2, Zone X1, North Linh Dam, Dai Kim ward, Hoang Mai District, Hanoi. Thang Long Tech is recognized as an independent consultant unit by Ministry of Construction. It registers to operate in the field of inspection, judicial examination all over the country. It provides consultancy and building technical services including: -Observation of geotechnics and deformation of constructed structures. Investigation for soil conditions for construction project and hydrogeological investigation. -Inspection of the quality of the completed building works. -Testing construction material, building structures. -Consulting and doing tasks in terms of measuring and making maps. -Surveying and evaluation of the affects to the environment. Thang Long Tech is also one of not quite a few companies which have a laboratory standardized and acknowledged by Ministry of Construction based on the system of standard laboratory of Ministry of Construction of Vietnam. The Laboratory, namely LAS-XD33 is certified to do the tests in the following main fields: -Soil characteristics: To do tests to determine the soil characteristics -Material for construction: To test the criteria in terms of mechanics and physics of material such as sand, stone, cement, steel bar, bricks, mortar, cement concrete, asphalt concrete †¦ -In-situ tests: To inspect the quality of concrete structures on the site, to do the static load tests, to do ultra-sonic tests for bored piles, to measure the settlement of the construction works, to measure the earth resistance,†¦ -Tests on constructed embankments and leveled grounds on site: To determine the density, to measure in-situ CBR, to measure the flatness and flexure of the ground The organization of ThangLong Tech is briefly illustrated in the following diagram: 1. 2. Introduction of the Finance and Personel Department: In my internship, I was arranged to work in the Finance and Personel Department. Because Thang Lo ng Tech is a small company, one departmant is in charge of both Finance Department and Personel Department. The former, Finance Department is in charge of the following functions: -Keep business account of businesss activities of the company under the Ordinance on Accounting and Statistics of the State . Summarize business results, prepare accounting and statistical reports, analyze business activities for checking the implementation of the plans of the company . -Record and reflect accurately, timely and systematically the company. s capital as well as loans, settlement of funds for the mobilization of supplies, materials, goods in production -Keep track of the companys debt , reflect and propose plan of revenues and expenditures by cash and other forms of payment, perform internal work . -Draw the balance sheet quarterly, yearly on schedule And the latter, Personnel Department is in charge of the following functions: -Manage all staff’s resumes, deal with procedure and regimes of recruitment, appointment, dismissal, discipline, bonus, retirement Manage labour, staff’ salaries, build the total salary fund, approve the salary allocation, expenditures of the company and the laboratory -Manage administrative documents, papers, records and corporate seal Implementation of common storage materials and important documents . -Develop work schedules, briefing schedules, meetings -Monitor attendance of employees of the company -Prepare the corporate capacity profile 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE INTERNSHIP: The first week of the internship was spent on getting familliar with the working style and making aquaintance with people in the department. I could not start working without understanding the way the company works and getting to know about other employees. Therefore, at first I had to learnt about the companies and its activities, then build the relationship with my co-workers. My very first task is to observe the operation of the Finance and Accounting Department. Everyday the company starts working at 8. 00 A. M and finishes at 12. 00 A. M. , and contines at 1 P. M. and ends at 5 P. M. All workers have to press their finger in the fingerprint time attendance machine before and after working. This time and attendance system records when employees start and stop work, so it enables to have a full control of all employees working hours. Therefore, rarely did I see the staff come late when working there. Ms Tam, my supervisor always comes 15 ealier to clean the room and make tea for everyone. She is very friendly and helpful. She supported me very much. During working hours, except a twenty-minute break to relax and chat, all are always busy with their missions. I observed how they worked, what they worked and tried to compare with the knowledge I had learnt at the university: the similarities as well as the differences. My supervisor gave me the documents relating this department such as official despatches, contracts, vouchers, and so on to read before assigning me a specific task. She also showed me the location and how to store these documents so that I could do when they were busy or went out for work. When having received official dispatch, open the monitoring book of received official dispatch, record the number of the dispatch, the date of writing the dispatch, the date of receiving the dispatch, the contents of the dispatch, and the issuing agencies. Then, the dispatch is stored in file in order of the date of receipt. In terms of sent official dispatch, firstly, write a dispatch according to the requested content, then summit it to the director for his approval and signature. After that, open the monitoring book of sent official dispatch, record the number of the dispatch, the date of writing the dispatch, the contents of the dispatch, and the received agencies. A copy of the sent dispatch is also stored in file in order of the date of receipt. Finally, the dispatch is sent to the received agencies. With regard to economic contracts, Contracts are drafted based on contract templates. When drafting the contract, remember to write fully and accurately the party A, the party B, and the contract value. Because conducting material test for conctruction works is one of two major services of ThangLong Tech, so each contract usually includes the estimated cost and unit price of testing. After being drafted, the contract is submitted to the director for his signature. Then it is sent to the partner for their approval and signature. After having the signature and seal of both two parties, the contract is made four copies, each party keeps two. After completing all work in the contract, liquidation of contract will be stored along with the contract. After more than a week, I was quite familiar with these document, I was assigned to draw up some types of documents based on templates including quotation, request for payment. When doing these tasks, I could not only have a chance to practice the knowledge of commercial corresspondence I have been studying this semester, but also enhance my computing skills. Besides, I also got used to performing some basic office tasks such as answering phones, copying documents, scanning papers, affixing the seals, or even how to fix a printer paper jam. At first, I did those tasks awkwardly because they were quite strange. But hitherto I did them effortlessly and even habitually. Although these things seem very easy and are totally unrelated to my study, they are really basic skills which any employee needs how to do. And thanks to those experiences, now I get more confidence to apply for an office job. The company has its own laboratory, so this department is only reponsible for appending the company’s seal the labotory’s seal on test results and give them to customers. When giving results, for loyal customers or companies signing the contract with the company, the accountant check and take over at the end of the month and customers make payment by tranferring; for others, based on test orders, the accountant writers receipt voucher, then give the treasurer to collect money. Right at the beginning of the second week, following the instruction of my supervisor, I studied the cash payment process, so had a thorough grasp of the requirements as well as steps of this process, specifically: -Based on test orders or accceptance report of conplete volume signed by both two parties, the accountant writes receipt voucher, submits it to the director for his signature, then give it to the treasurer. The treasurer directly collects money and records in receipts and expenses register. -All receipts must be recorded on the receipt with all the signatures of the payer, the treasurer, the accountant and chief accountant. -Information on the receipt is recorded in the cash book and related books (sales book, debt book, payment in advance book). -The receipts more than 20 million will be deposited into the bank account. In case of the company ‘s plan to pay for the suppliers, the receipts will be kept in safes for payment. At the end of everyday, the accountant prints daily receipt report and submits it to chief accountant for her approval. -At the end of each month, the treasurer and the accountant check cash balance, compare receipts in the cash book with them in account book. After a few weeks studying and observing, I tried to write receipt vouchers and enter data into accounting software under the instruction of the accountant. I learnt these accounts in Principles of Accounting at the university, but I had not chance to practice in reality before, so initially I was quite unfamiliar with them. Actually, it is not a hard work, but it requires carefulness, meticulosity and preciseness. This is of great importance because the results of accounting will affect the data and information presented on the balance sheet and financial statement. The documents with errors which are not yet signed by director and handed over to customers can be easily corrected. However, it is a complicated case when the documents with errors handed over to customers needs to be got back and modified. The accountant has to write cancellation reports with the signatures of both two sides. This may ruin not only the company’s reputation, but also the director’s trust. This procedure relating to the cancellation reports was actually new to me because it is not taught at the university. Concerning payment vouchers, I only observed the accountant writing them, but understood this process. When there are the application form for payment, application form for reimbursement, application form for payment in advance, the accountant checks the related documents and the amount of money, submits them to the director for his signature. Then, the accountant writes payment vouchers, proposes them to chief accountant and the director for their signatures, and finally gives them to the treasure. The treasure directly allots money to the applicants. Because it is a domestic small private enterprise, English is not commomly used in the company’s activities. However, there are some contracts with foreign or joint venture companies, so I also had a chance to access to documents in English such as contract templates, official dispatches, commercial correspondence. Sometimes I was assigned translation of technical documents including contracts, confirmation, project managament schedule,.. from Vietnames to English or vice versa. It is indeed the hardest challenge I had to deal with in my internship. All of them were technical terms that I had never seen before. It was really tough and I met many difficulties because frequently there were some Vietnamese words I even did not understand their meanings. I could ask techicians from time to time, but most of time I had to study by myself. Firstly, I looked up their meanings in the dictionary, and then search for their images to choose the right word for translation. I got headache and my head was taut like a violin string whenever being assigned this task.. Gradually, I got accustomed with this assignment. It required very much time and efforts, therefore, I also learnt quite a few difficult words and new knowledge in engineering and construction field. In a nut shell, working in this department, I had opportunity to not only revise what I have learnt at the university but also to broaden my knowledge and brush up on my skills. 3. SELF REFLECTION ON MY INTERNSHIP: 3. 1. Evaluation on my targeted goals: My objectives on the internship are: -Enhance my communication skill -Practice my knowledge into the workplace -Do some translation if possible To some extent, those objectives I set are fulfilled although I did not have chance to use my English and work with numbers much. However, I gained a lot of lessons and experience in the workplace and real life. 3. 2. Evaluation on the internship: On the whole, the internship was a useful experience. I have find out what my strengths and weaknesses are; I gained new knowledge about accouting as well as construction field, and improved my skills in doing office stuff. I achieved many of my learning goals, however for some the conditions did not permit to achieve them as I wanted. In terms of my strong points, I am quite confident in my punctuality and responsibility to the work and assigned tasks. I also follow the rules of the company in general and of the Finance and Accounting department in particular. In addition, I am energetic and active to learn new things related to my major and soft skills. Even I aslo get used to with the things which are not related directly to my profession because I believe they will be helpful in my future career. Refer to my weaknesses, because I had not done any part-time job before, so I did not any working experience. On the very first days, I felt everything in the workplace very unfamiliar. Luckily, my supervisor is very friendly and helpful, she guided and instructed me enthusiatiacally, little by little so that I could get used to with the work. The second difficuly was that I was lazy at reading newspapers about social and economic knowledge social as well as other daily issues, therefore, sometimes it prevented me from discussing with my co-workers in the twenty-minute break. Whenever they mentioned a topic or term I do not know, I just sat in quiet and listened to them. Finally, although I had a chance to apply the knowledge into practice, the internship was not long enough for me to carry out the tasks skillfully. Besides, I realized that the theories in books cannot always be applied to the reality. The exercises we did in the text book are much simpler than the situations in the real world. What we learnt in the books should be applied flexibly in practice. Generally, the basic knowledge and skills acquired at the university are necessary for students during the internship. To some extent, they are the benchmarks for students to be able to study further and explain and analysis economic related matters. In order to enter the labor market, however, the students are obliged to prepare for themselves the deep knowledge on their future profession. CONCLUSION In conclusion, in spite of many difficulities and challenges, the two-month internship helped me gained a lot of practical experiences and improved office skills. This is also a chance for me to realize my strengths I need to develop as well as weaknesses I need to overcome so that I can do my job in the future
Sunday, December 1, 2019
What Drives History Essay Example For Students
What Drives History? Essay History is the Essence of Innumerable Biographies -Thomas CarlyleWhat drives history? Before we answer this question, we must go deeper and answer a more important question: What is history? History is, simply, all of the events, ideas, people, and occurrences that have existed in the past. These things have been driven by one common factor: individuals. Although individuals driving history may seem like a rather simple answer, it is the only one that provides no flaws. One such individual who has driven history is Martin Luther. Luther, a German monk, was an inspirational figure who struggled to encourage people to think more for themselves. Martin Luther had an unconventional way of viewing the Church at the time. Luther believed that it was wrong for the Church to sell indulgences or forgiveness from god. Martin Luther thought that salvation could only be achieved through performing good deeds. During Luthers protesting, he created the 95 Theses, which were a list of arguments and problems against the Catholic Church. Martin Luther was a very strong leader, and through his teachings, many people began to follow him and share their beliefs. Eventually, this lead to the Reformation of the Roman Catholic Church, and caused a sect to break off, known as the Protestants. This drastic change lead to an immense conflict between both groups which eventually caused the ostracism of the Protestant sect to the Americas. This relocation created many thoughts that influenced the rest of the world. Martin Luthers ideas and teachings not only drove history in the past, but they continue to drive the present day. Another important individual who drove history was the Italian astronomer and scientist Galileo Galilei. Galileo discovered something so important that it changed the selfish perspective that humans were the center of the universe and led to the growth of human knowledge. Utilizing mathematics and a telescope he had developed, Galileo observed that the planets revo lved around the sun and not the Earth. This was a significant discovery because not only did it contradict what the church had taught, it also showed that the universe was not what it seemed. With this truth uncovered, many people began to fascinate over the universe. This triggered people to begin studying space extensively and eventually lead to present day space exploration. Galileo also left a lasting impression upon many great minds, such as Sir Isaac Newton, who used Galileos research and theories to further his own studies such as the physical laws, and their properties. Although Galileos research was for self-satisfaction, his discoveries lead people to develop their own individual minds and follow their own goals in life. As one can see, Galileos teachings were very influential in his day, and have lead to the present day sciences. Therefor an individual has yet again driven history.A final example of an individual who has driven history is the European philosopher Robert O wen. Owen was a man who derived a new system of economy, which we call socialism. Owen tried to develop a society where all the industries, means of distribution, and production of goods were controlled by the government. In this society, many common living problems were easily solved, such as the banning of child labor, free education, and most importantly, people receiving equal benefits and opportunities. Equality was a large part of Owens socialist society, which appealed to all citizens. Even though Owens society failed economically, many people consider it a success. Nevertheless, Owens ideas and teachings were later incorporated into many societies we see today. The economies of many Scandinavian Countries are socialist-based, and they prove to be very effective. Owen gave people a new way to think about how a society could be run fairly, and these ideas changed how people lived, thus driving history. If one views these three individuals, a religious monk, a scientist, and a philosopher, one can determine that individuals from every field drive history. There are innumerable people who have contributed to the growth of the human race. History is not driven by greed, not by necessity, but by the individual people who apply their knowledge to the conditions of their present world. .ua010e425a108569aab63a259b69d59ae , .ua010e425a108569aab63a259b69d59ae .postImageUrl , .ua010e425a108569aab63a259b69d59ae .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua010e425a108569aab63a259b69d59ae , .ua010e425a108569aab63a259b69d59ae:hover , .ua010e425a108569aab63a259b69d59ae:visited , .ua010e425a108569aab63a259b69d59ae:active { border:0!important; } .ua010e425a108569aab63a259b69d59ae .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua010e425a108569aab63a259b69d59ae { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua010e425a108569aab63a259b69d59ae:active , .ua010e425a108569aab63a259b69d59ae:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua010e425a108569aab63a259b69d59ae .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua010e425a108569aab63a259b69d59ae .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua010e425a108569aab63a259b69d59ae .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua010e425a108569aab63a259b69d59ae .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua010e425a108569aab63a259b69d59ae:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua010e425a108569aab63a259b69d59ae .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua010e425a108569aab63a259b69d59ae .ua010e425a108569aab63a259b69d59ae-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua010e425a108569aab63a259b69d59ae:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Auschwitz (1015 words) Essay We will write a custom essay on What Drives History? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
how to clone in ur kitchen essays
how to clone in ur kitchen essays Cloning is the production of multiple, identical offspring. A clone is an animal who is genetically identical to its donor "parent". We now know that this can be achieved using cells derived from a microscopic embryo, a fetus, or from an adult animal. Cloning from adult animals was introduced to the public in 1997 when scientists announced the birth of Dolly, the first animal cloned in this way. There have now been hundreds of clones produced from skin cells taken from adult sheep, cattle, goats, pigs and mice. The real key to cloning an adult animal is the ability to reprogram the skin cell nucleus and cause it to begin developing as if it was a newly fertilized egg. Cloning requires specialized microsurgery tools and involves five basic steps: 1. Enucleation of the recipient egg 2. Transfer of the donor cell into the recipient egg 3. Fusion of the donor cell to the recipient egg 4. Culturing the resulting cloned embryo in the incubator 5. Transferring the developing embryo into the reproductive tract of a surrogate mother Step 3 - Fusion of the Donor Cell to the Recipient Egg The egg and the donor cell are placed in the fusion chamber between 2 electrodes. A low electrical current is passed across the positive and negative electrode. This electrical charge causes the membrane of the donor cell to fuse with the membrane of the enucleated recipient egg. When the 2 membranes fuse together, the nucleus (containing all the genetic material from the donor animal) of the skin cell is now surrounded by the recipient egg. The offspring that result from this procedure are genetically identical to the donor animal that the skin biopsy was taken from. In this case, all five of these goats are clones, produced from the same donor cell line. They are genetically identical to each other and to their donor "parent". They are different ages because the cloned embryos were made and transferred to surroga ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Sentence Flow
Sentence Flow Sentence Flow Sentence Flow By Maeve Maddox David writes: I was wondering if you could share your thoughts on how to flow from sentence to sentence. I feel mine can be a bit jumpy as I tell the story. Much is written about â€Å"transition sentences,†that is, sentences that bridge paragraphs, but that’s not what this question is about. This question is about what a writer can do to avoid writing paragraphs that all progress to a beat of dumpty-dumpty-dump. Two things contribute to the flow of sentences within a paragraph: 1. sentence length 2. logical progression of thought In browsing my shelves for examples, I realized that some very popular writers don’t seem to share David’s concern regarding â€Å"jumpy†narration. Here’s a typical paragraph from Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code: Langdon and Sophie stepped into another world. The small room before them looked like a lavish sitting room at a fine hotel. Gone were the metal and rivets, replaced with oriental carpets, dark oak furniture, and cushioned chairs. On the broad desk in the middle of the room, two crystal glasses sat beside an opened bottle of Perrier, its bubbles still fizzing. A pewter pot of coffee steamed beside it. Not a complex sentence in sight. It doesn’t seem to matter if Brown is being reflective or describing action. Most of his sentences are simple or compound. Here and there the reader comes across a noun clause introduced by that, or a an adverb clause introduced by as or as if. Mostly it’s dumpty-dumpty-dump. Yes, Dan Brown is a wildly successful writer and I’m happy for him. His gift, however, is story-telling, not writing style. Here are two examples from a novel by a writer who is both an effective story-teller and a fine stylist. The first is a paragraph in which the narrator is reflecting on his life. He is attending the opera with his employer. I suppose I had once aspired to come here and walk among these beautiful, elegant people as one of their own, but that had been long ago, before all my dreams had been dashed like porcelain on paving stones. Now that I was finally here, I felt all the more like a Welsh collier’s brat, as if I were still twelve, nose running, and starting to outgrow my brother’s cast-offs. I was in the right place at the wrong time. Such was the refrain of my life. Some Danger Involved by Will Thomas The first sentence is long and leisurely, suggesting reflection. It contains no fewer than four clauses and numerous phrases. The second sentence has multiple clauses and phrases, but the last two are simple sentences, brusquely bringing the introspection back to the present moment. The second example is from an action paragraph in which the narrator is about to be murdered. The cross spun in a circle, and when it stopped, a pistol was clapped to my head. It was my own revolver. I recognized the filed-down sight. I closed my eyes and felt surprisingly at ease. I was ready to die now. I gave it all over. At that point, I would have preferred a bullet to slow death. Ibid. The first sentence has three clauses joined by the most commonplace conjunctions and and when. The loosely joined clauses suggest a spinning motion. The next two sentences are simple and staccato. Short sentences take the reader along rapidly. They convey the breathlessness felt by the man in danger. The next sentence has two clauses, but they are short and, again, joined by the nearly invisible and. The next three sentences are simple. With the length of the sentences the writer has conveyed both the fear and resignation felt by the narrator. The writer striving for a pleasantly flowing style will vary sentence length and kind, crafting length to thought. Here are some joining words with which to introduce subordinate clauses. Subordinate conjunctions after, although, as, as if, as long as, as much as, as soon as, as though, because, before, even if, even though, how, if, inasmuch, in order that, lest, now, provided (that), since, so that, than, that, though, till, unless, until, when, whenever, where, wherever, while, Conjunctive adverbs accordingly, also, anyway, again, besides, certainly, consequently, contrarily, finally, further, furthermore, elsewhere, hence, henceforth, however, in contrast, incidentally, indeed, instead, likewise, meanwhile, moreover, namely, nevertheless, next, nonetheless, now, otherwise, rather, similarly, so, subsequently, still, that is, then, thereafter, therefore, thus, undoubtedly, yet Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Good At, Good In, and Good With20 Words Meaning "Being or Existing in the Past"Epidemic vs. Pandemic vs. Endemic
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Iraq Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Iraq - Assignment Example However, the situation has changed for the better thus indicating that the international community is committed to helping nations protect themselves against external attacks. However, the PM did not state the exact time the offensive might be launched. He said the timing depends on â€Å"our own preparation†and â€Å"the situation on the ground†. With the help of US-led coalition air strikes, soldiers as well as allied Shia militiamen have the coordination needed to retake territory north of Baghdad. Analysis: Mr. Abadi’s actions indicate that he wants to run Iraq unemotionally and rationally as he managed hi engineering firm while in exile in the UK. He wants to be non-discriminative as his predecessor who only pushed for the sectarian interests of the Shia population and ignored Sunni population. He is committed to ending sectarianism and governing in the best interests of the entire Iraq. He is likely to win the battle because Islamic state no longer inspires the terror it once did. The close coordination between Iraqi security forces, civilian volunteer fighters, the US army and the Peshmerga is likely to make the operation a success. Mr. Abadi is certain that Iraq will be able to liberate Mosul without any problems or friction in that
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Age of Depression Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Age of Depression - Article Example 156). Thus, the authors underline that depression is a term used both too widely and too narrowly. Psychiatrists who use it too widely apply it to diverse normal states, like sadness and grief, and diverse abnormal states, like paranoid paralysis due to fear, and obsessive ambivalent paralysis. "Revolutionary transformations" in psychiatry allow identify new causes and manifestation of emotional and mental disorders classified as depression. The authors give a special attention to strengths and weaknesses of such types as DSM I and DSM II editions. The new edition, DSM III proposed a new approach to psychiatric diagnosis criteria. Thus, the author underline that 'the main drawback of symptom-based criteria was they eliminated the consideration of the context in which the symptoms arose" (Horwitz & Wakefield 2005, p. 157). The authors take into account research studies comparing statistical results obtained during 1980s and 1990s. They found that some psychiatrists who apply the conce pt too narrowly deny depressive dynamics in others to hide them in themselves, from themselves. Or the diagnosis is not made because the patient disguises the illness: (1) as a behavioral symptom; (2) as an attitudinal symptom; (3) as a physical symptom; (4) as another psychological disorder. The authors claim that the main limitation of these studies that they ignored the context of symptoms. As the most important, the traditional symptom-based approach is easy to use but it is less effective. The description of the clinical manifestations of depression is organized according to the parameters of the mental status examination. While the diagnosis of depression is not warranted unless a significant number of the signs and symptoms are present, it should be suspected even in the presence of just a few of them. The authors state that "it is important to make distinction between the normal and sadness responses" in order to provide effective treatment because "medical interference in n ormal sadness can be even harmful" (Horwitz & Wakefield 2005, p. 159). Horwitz & Wakefield come to conclusion that DSM III has many limitations and inadequate criteria which caused 'unintended consequences' for general public and society. The authors of the articles discuss an important problem of criteria applied to the state of depression and negative consequences of misdiagnosis. I agree with the authors that it is crucial to apply both symptom-based and content-based criteria to diagnose mental disorders. According to DSM III, psychiatrists diagnose depression from depressive-like symptoms that are in fact part of another syndrome. Because symptoms characteristic for depression are also characteristic for other disorders, most depressive symptoms have a differential diagnosis. For instance, a patient can be misdiagnosed as "depressed" because he/she is unable to relate to others. In some cases, psychiatrists diagnose depression in the absence of illness. This happens when normal moodiness is misidentified as depression. Here the clinician fails to distinguish getting depressed from having a clinical depression, the symptom from the syndrome. The main limitations of the article are lack of current research and statistical data. The author use statistical information and research studies
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Introduction, review of accounting process and financial statement Essay Example for Free
Introduction, review of accounting process and financial statement Essay Part 1 General acceptable accounting principle General accounting principles are set of rules generated by accounting board to guide accountant in preparation and reporting of financial statements. General acceptable accounting principles are accounting guidelines (GAAP) used in United States and are issued by financial accounting standard board (FASB). Other countries uses the guideline issued by international accounting standard board (IASB) supplemented by their own local laws. GAAP guide selection of events to be accounted for, the measurement of these events, and the mean of summarizing and communicating them to interested parties. In recording transactions GAAP make use of the following principles a) historical cost principle b) revenue recognition c) marching principle d) full disclosure GAAP facilitate comparability of financial statement for various firms. Information that has been measured and reported in a similar manner for different enterprise is considered comparable. Comparability enables users to identify the real similarities and differences in economic phenomenon. Comparability is achieved when companies use similar accounting procedures (e.g. use of same inventory method, depreciation) to account for similar economic circumstance (Porwal, 2008). Double entry accounting This is the method of recording accounting transaction where every debit entry must be accompanied by a credit entry and vice versa. If this method of accounting is not enforced then the basic accounting equation i.e. ASSETS = LIABILITIES + EQUITY will not balance. Therefore double entry accounting is used to ensure that financial record are complete and thus ensures that final statements give a true and fair view of financial performance at a given date otherwise if an accounting transaction is recorded on one side i.e. a debit or credit the balance sheet will not balance which indicate an error in preparation of financial statement (Fridson Alvarez, 2002). Historical cost Historical cost is the original cost incurred in acquisition of assets. All assets and liability are recorded in financial statement under historical cost principle.  Under this principle the exchange price established or cost incurred at the time a transaction occurs is the basis for initially recording assets and liability. Cost is usually the best estimates of an asset or liability i.e. cost and fair value of an asset are equal at acquisition date. Historical cost principle ensures that there is consistency in recording asset and liability where assets are recorded at historical cost and subsequent loose of value is shown as depreciation and adjusted from historical cost to show the book value of an asset at a given date. Accrual basis vs. cash basis accounting Measurement of revenue can either be through accrual method or cash accounting basis. The two accounting method consists of rules that determines how and when expenses and revenue are reported. With accrual basis of accounting, revenue is recorded in the period in which it is earned and not necessarily when cash is received while expenses are recorded when they have been incurred. This method of accounting is used by all publicly traded company and large businesses. With cash basis of accounting revenue is recognized when cash is received while expenses are recorded when cash is paid (Fridson Alvarez, 2002). The major difference between the two methods is that 1). In using the cash basis of accounting there are no any payables or receivable recorded in the balance sheet while in using the accrual basis both receivables and payables are recognized in the balance sheet. While reporting revenue using accrual basis both collected and uncollected revenue are recorded while for cash basis only the cash amount collected from sales and other activities are recorded. For instance if a customers pay $ 100,000 for goods which he has not yet received by the end of accounting period, using the cash basis this will be shown as revenue in the income statement but while using the accrual basis $100,000 is described as deferred revenue and will appear in balance sheet as current liability. On the other hand when the firm deliver goods or offers a service but such amount remain outstanding at the end of the period using cash basis such a transaction will not be recorded but while using the accrual basis such amount will be described as accrued revenue and will be recognized as revenue in the income statement and recorded in balance sheet as current asset (Siegel, 2007). 2) In a cash basis report, only the cash paid to vendors are shown as expenses while in accrual reports both paid and unpaid amount are included as expenses. For instance if a company pay rent amounting to $120,000 for 12 month but by the end of accounting period only rent for six month have been utilized using the accrual method $60,000 will be recorded as rent expense in the income statement while the remaining $ 60,000 are described as prepaid expense and are recorded as current asset in the balance sheet. For cash basis the whole amount of $120,000 will be recorded as rent expense during the current period. In preparation of financial statement the accrual basis of accounting is used where revenue is recorded in the accounting period it is earned irrespective of whether cash is received and associated cost used in generation of this revenue are also recorded in the same period. This is used in order to show the correct profit generated by an enterprise during a certain period. Current assets and liability vs. non-current items Assets include anything of value that is owned or due to the business. Current asset are those that mature in less than one year e.g. inventory, debtors, prepayment and note receivables. Liabilities represent a company’s obligation to creditors. Obligations that have to be paid within one year are called current liabilities. In preparation of financial statement asset are recorded as either current or non-current while liabilities are dividend into current and non-current liability and companies have to adhere to this rule of financial reporting. Part 2 Bp group BP group present it final statement in term of income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement. All the statement are presented in vertical format and each item is shown together with the corresponding item in the previous year. The income statement shows the income generated and division of this profit to various stakeholders i.e. among the total profit generated in year 2008 which amounted to $ 35,239 million the providers of finance received $1,547 million, government received $12,617 million and the shareholders received $ 21,666. The group balance sheet is dividend into five categories namely current assets, non-current assets, current liabilities, non-current liabilities and equity. The cash flow statement is dividend into three category i.e. the operating activities the investing activities and the financing activities. It financial statement are prepare in accordance with applicable UK law and international financial reporting standard. Quicksilver Inc The company also presents it final account in term of income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement. The income statement show the profit generated and distribution to various stakeholders i.e. shareholders, government and minority interest. For each item in year 2008 the corresponding item in year 2007 and 2006 is also shown. The balance sheet is also presented in a vertical format where items are categorized into non-current assets, current assets, current liability, non-current liability and equity. The cash flow statement is dividend in to operating, investing and financing activities. It financial statement has been prepared in accordance with the general acceptable accounting principles. RTL group It general presentation of financial statement is like in above two companies with the balance sheet dividend in to current asset and liabilities vs. non-current item and equity. The balance sheet and income statement are prepared in vertical format and show corresponding figures of previous year. Cash from operating activities is the best measure of company performance since it indicates whether or not the company will be able to meet it financing and investing need. Even if the company may have generated sufficient profit it may be in financial difficulty and may even be declared bankrupt for failure to meet obligation of creditor. Higher profit may be as a result of a change in accounting policy and not improvement in performance. More detail relating to each companies associate and subsidiaries can be collected from the filing they make in the respective country in which they are incorporated and their final report. Predicting company’s future trend Quick silver The company net income increased by 19% in 2007 compared to 2006. In 2008 the net income increased by 11% and in the year 2009 income is expected to grow by between 5%-8%. The company management also expect a hard time ahead due to current financial crisis which has led to a decline in household income and lower demand. RTL group In year 2008 revenue grew by 0.01% compared to and in year 2009 revenue are expected to decline by 2-5%. The company management and directors expect a drop in revenue in key market due to global economic crisis which has heightened the intensity of competition. Bp group The net revenue in year 2007 grew by 7% compared to 2006. In 2008 income grew by 27%. In 2009 revenue is expected to grow between 30-35%. Despite the harsh economic condition the management expects to increase it revenue earnings through higher fuel price.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Personal History Essay -- Personal Statement
I am satisfied with what I have become; a student specializing in Physics with special interests in experimental Condensed Matter Physics. I grew up in a very small town. A town not fully developed; there were very few resources and not many quality schools to acquire a solid education. I had to pass an entrance exam to get into a good school for 8th grade at a time when most students in my town would drop out of school after 7th grade in order to search for work and support their families. My parents could not complete their undergraduate studies because they had to work to support their families, but their emphasis on the importance of education, their dedication and massive effort inspired me to search for the highest education possible. My family has sustained me throughout my education as best as they can. My high school days made me more independent and resourceful because I had to balance the challenges of commuting three hours daily plus studying in order to earn good grades. I was also an active member in various school activities such as, basketball, badminton, and various community events. I also acted as a leader for my high school basketball team for state level competition. With hard work and continuous dedication, I earned many awards in high school for my preeminent performance in the fields of science. I was one of 30 students, out of 80, who graduated from high school in my class. Since childhood, I have been drawn to scientific activities and inventions that amaze me so my family and friends have always encouraged me to enhance my intellect by giving me different scientific puzzles, articles and books. With the course of time, I sensed a keen interest in science and decided to choose it as my career. I... the conviction to deliver a true spirit of teamwork to the study group and school community. The more I know, the more I seek. My acceptance to your university will increase my wanderlust to go deeper into unanswered questions and unexplored realms. My academic, extra-curricular and, social endeavors have firmly established my trust in the scientific canon. They have helped me appreciate and inculcate the values like quest for knowledge, courage to question, systematic reasoning, open-mindedness and team spirit. I have been working on experimental research for almost four years now. I believe that a few years from now, my abilities, creativity, effectiveness, hard work, interest, research skills (especially in experimental Condensed Matter Physics) and motivation will enable me to become a successful independent experimentalist and pleased individual.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Stylistic Analysis of Great Gatsby
F. Scott Fitzgerald Born in St. Paul, Minnesota, on September 24, 1896 F. Scott Fitzgerald was the son of Edward Fitzgerald, who worked for Proctor and Gamble and brought his family to Buffalo and Syracuse, New York, for most of his son's first decade. Edward Fitzgerald's great-great-grandfather was the brother of the grandfather of Francis Scott Key, who wrote the poem â€Å"The Star-Spangled Banner. †This fact was of great significance to Mrs. Fitzgerald, Mollie McQuillan, and later to Scott.Mollie Fitzgerald's own family could offer no pretensions to aristocracy, but her father, an Irish immigrant who came to America in 1843, was a self-made businessman. Equally important was Fitzgerald's sense of having come from two widely different Celtic strains. He had early on developed an inferiority complex in a family where the â€Å"black Irish half †¦ had the money and looked down on the Maryland side of the family who had, and really had †¦ ‘breeding,’â € according to Scott Donaldson in the Dictionary of Literary Biography.Out of this divergence of classes in his family background arose what critics called F. Scott's â€Å"double vision. †He had the ability to experience the lifestyle of the wealthy from an insider's perspective, yet never felt a part of this clique and always felt the outsider. As a youth, Fitzgerald revealed a flair for dramatics, first in St. Paul, where he wrote original plays for amateur production, and later at The Newman Academy in Hackensack, New Jersey. At Princeton, he composed lyrics for the university's famous Triangle Club productions.Fitzgerald was also a writer and actor with the Triangle Club at college. Before he could graduate, he volunteered for the army during World War I. He spent the weekends writing the earliest drafts of his first novel. The work was accepted for publication in 1919 by Charles Scribner's Sons. The popular and financial success that accompanied this event enabled Fitzgerald to marry Zelda Sayre, whom he met at training camp in Alabama. Zelda played a pivotal role in the writer's life, both in a tempestuous way and an inspirational one.Mostly, she shared his extravagant lifestyle and artistic interests. In the 1930s she was diagnosed as a schizophrenic and was hospitalized in Switzerland and then Maryland, where she died in a fire. For some time, Fitzgerald lived with his wife in Long Island. There, the setting for The Great Gatsby, he entertained in a manner similar to his characters, with expensive liquors and entertainment. He revealled in demonstrating the antics of the crazy, irresponsible rich, and carried this attitude wherever he went.Especially on the Riviera in France the Fitzgerald’s befriended the elite of the cultural world and wealthy classes, only to offend most of them in some way by their outrageous behavior. Self-absorbed, drunk, and eccentric, they sought and received attention of all kinds. The party ended with the hospitalization of Zelda for schizophrenia in Prangins, a Swiss clinic, and, coincidentally, with the Great Depression of 1929, which tolled the start of Scott's personal depression. In the decade before his death, Fitzgerald's troubles and the debilitating effects of his alcoholism limited the quality and amount of his writing.Nonetheless, it was also during this period that he attempted his most psychologically complex and aesthetically ambitious novel, Tender Is the Night (1934). After Zelda's breakdown, Fitzgerald became romantically involved with Sheila Graham, a gossip columnist in Hollywood, during the last years of his life. He also wrote but did not finish the novel The Last Tycoon, now considered to be one of his best works, about the Hollywood motion picture industry. Fitzgerald died suddenly of a heart attack, most likely induced by a long addiction to alcohol, on December 21, 1940.At the time of his death, he was virtually forgotten and unread. A growing Fitzgerald revi val, begun in the 1950s, led to the publication of numerous volumes of stories, letters, and notebooks. One of his literary critics, Stephen Vincent Benet, concluded in his review of The Last Tycoon, â€Å"You can take off your hats now, gentlemen, and I think perhaps you had better. This is not a legend, this is a reputation – and, seen in perspective, it may well be one of the most secure reputations of our time. †General characteristic 1.The text under consideration is a part of well-known novel â€Å"The Great Gatsby†by F. Scott Fitzgerald. F. Scott Fitzgerald is widely praised as the finest and most celebrated novelist of the twentieth century America. Fitzgerald's masterpiece The Great Gatsby, referred to as â€Å"The Great American Novel†, stands as the supreme achievement of his career. The Great Gatsby is the classic novel about the American Dream, one of the great novels of the 20th Century as it captures perfectly some essential quality of th e American myth and dream of the Jazz Age.The novel has profoundly portrayed the unsatisfied desire of the wealth and the success and displayed the theme of the novel the disillusion of American dream. Meanwhile, it also shows Fitzgerald's outstanding talent and the writing technique incisively. His style is exquisite, and the plot is compelling. The splendid work establishes Fitzgerald as a great writer in American literature. Fitzgerald's novel reveals his poetic temperament and style. His observation to the world is exquisite. 2. The general slant of the text is a 1st person (sing. narration, which shows that we deal with narrative with the personage uttered monologue – so the whole narration sounds very subjective. Narrator clearly expresses his opinion, gives an extraordinary description for all the personages and events. 3. The text of the story is not homogeneous. The author’s narration is interrupted by the dialogues of the characters. Direct speech har moniously interrelates with narration. It leaves much for the reader's guesswork and helps the reader to realize all the events taking place in the story. 4. The linguo-stylistic analysis proper: I.Phonographic analysis The traditional text segmentation is observed in this story. It consists of paragraphs. Sometimes direct speech appears in the story. Also changes of the print present in the story, especially capitalization of some words. Author wants to underline some words and phrases with the help of this mean. That’s why he indicates the whole word by the capital letters. e. g. A momentary hush; the orchestra leader varies his rhythm obligingly for her, and there is a burst of chatter as the erroneous news goes around that she is Gilda Gray’s understudy from the FOLLIES. I don’t think it’s so much THAT,†argued Lucille sceptically; â€Å"it’s more that he was a German spy during the war. †â€Å"There’s something funny abou t a fellow that’ll do a thing like that,†said the other girl eagerly. â€Å"He doesn’t want any trouble with ANYbody. †As for rhythmical background of the text, there are alliteration and assonance for better reading and perception of the story. e. g. Every Friday five crates of oranges and lemons arrived from a fruiterer in New York†¦ Laughter is easier minute by minute, spilled with prodigality, tipped out at a cheerful word. II. Lexical analysis ) The words are stylistically neutral in the text. The communicative situation is highly informal. Narrator describes all events which take place at the Gatsby’ party. The communicative situation is highly informal. The vocabulary includes not only standard colloquial words and expressions, but also idioms, phrasal verbs, barbarisms, etc. e. g. The bar is in a full swing, and floating rounds of cocktail permeate the garden outside, until the air is alive with chatter and laughter†¦ â€Å"See! †he cried triumphantly. â€Å"It’s a bona-fide (real) piece of printed matter†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Also the colloquial words proper are observed here. . g. â€Å"†¦This fella’s a regular Belasco. It’s a triumph. What thoroughness! †The writer strong sense of place is revealed by the use of barbarism such as hors-d’oeure (snack), chauffeur, gayety (elegance), etc. Even some archaic phrases are in the text. e. g. †¦already there are wanderers, confident girls who weave here and there among the stouter and more stable, become for a sharp, joyous moment the centre of a group, and then, excited with triumph, glide on through the sea-change (a profound or notable transformation) of faces and voices and color under the constantly changing light. ) The analysis of the vocabulary shows that author uses extraordinary words and words combination to make reader complicit in the story. The most of the words are neutral but rich in connotations. III . Morphological analysis Past Indefinite Tense is frequently used in the chapter, because narrator speaks about past events. But in the third paragraph Past Indefinite Tense is changed for Present Indefinite and Present Continuous Tenses to transfer the reader into the atmosphere of celebration, it creates the effect of immediate presence. The change of tenses registers changes in the narrated events. IV. Syntactic analysis
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Group week
Cell phones are not only for personal use but they can come in handy for business purposes as well. There are many uses for cell phones in a business setting: internet, video calling testing and ability to use applications. With a cellular phone there really is no reason that you cannot be not accessible to your company. Many companies are now allowing cell phones in their businesses. But are there times that cell phones can be a hindrance for a many as well.There is a lot of new technology on cell phones, but some believe that it can be more of a negative impact than a positive one. In a retail setting cell phones can lead to bad customer service or can impede on customers privacy if employees are using their camera features. Cellular phones can also lead to employees to be unproductive. Microbiological: Microbiological can be used as real time communication and to help the company keep up with any complaints or to see what is needed to improve in their company.Microbiological is a way for people to tell about their day in random posts, this could help a company with networking. Microbiological is what people do when they are on Faceable or other Social networking sights. Microbiological is a shorter version of regular blobbing and can be used to promote business and have a more personal relationship with their customers. Cloud Computing: Cloud computing is using a network of remote servers hosted on the internet to store, manage, and process data instead of storing the information on a coal server or personal computer.Cloud computing is good for business and can help reduce the security costs because when you store things within the company, the company can control who sees the information. Cloud computing is also a very easy way for employees to find and share information. Webzines: Webzines are popular when communicating in the business world. In the past companies were dependent on them for group training. This can be used throughout the country to help en courage people to get their points across.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Homemade Fire Extinguisher Science Project
Homemade Fire Extinguisher Science Project A fire extinguisher is an important piece of safety equipment in both the home and lab. You can make your own fire extinguisher using common kitchen ingredients to learn how fire extinguishers work and to learn about gases. Then, apply the Ideal Gas Law to change the characteristics of your homemade fire extinguisher. How a Fire Extinguisher Works A fire extinguisher typically deprives a fire of oxygen. If you encounter a fire at home, on a stovetop, for example, you can smother the fire by putting a lid over your pan or pot. In some cases, you can toss a non-flammable chemical on the fire to reduce the combustion reaction. Good choices include table salt (sodium chloride) or baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). When baking soda is heated, carbon dioxide gas is given off, suffocating the fire. In this project, youll cause a chemical reaction to produce carbon dioxide gas. The carbon dioxide sinks in the air, displacing it and removing oxygen from the fire. Homemade Fire Extinguisher Materials Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)Vinegar (weak acetic acid)Jar with lid, with a hole in the lid Make the Fire Extinguisher Fill the jar about halfway full with vinegar.To activate the fire extinguisher, drop in a spoonful of baking soda.Immediately shake the jar and point the hole of the jar toward your fire. Test out your fire extinguisher on a candle or small intentional fire so you will know what to expect. Tips and Tricks If you want a directional fire extinguisher, you can insert a straw into the hole in the jar or bottle. Use caulk or duck tape to secure the straw so that it wont shoot out of the jar when you use the homemade fire extinguisher.Dont add too much vinegar to the container! You want enough room to add the baking soda and to prevent excessive build-up of pressure.You can prepare sachets of baking soda for easier use. Simply wrap a spoonful of baking soda in a piece of tissue or toilet paper. When youre ready to use the fire extinguisher, drop the packet of baking soda into the jar and close the lid. How to Make a Fire Extinguisher Shoot the Farthest You can apply the Ideal Gas Law to make a science project out of your homemade fire extinguisher. How would you make the fire extinguisher shoot as far as possible? You do this by maximizing the pressure in the bottle. The pressure in the Ideal Gas Law is related to the volume of the bottle, the amount of gas in the bottle and temperature. Maximize pressure by increasing the temperature and the number of moles of gas inside the bottle. PV nRT P is the pressure in the bottle V is the volume of the bottle n is the number of moles of gas in the bottle R Ideal Gas Constant T temperature Kelvin Solving for pressure or P, you get: P nRT / V So, to maximize the amount of pressure and thus the distance you can shoot the carbon dioxide, you can: Minimize the volume of the container (V). Using a larger bottle may make it easier for you to complete the project, but it wont improve the distance of your homemade fire extinguisher.Maximize the amount of gas produced by the chemical reaction (n). Youll need to experiment with the amounts of vinegar and baking soda you use in order to produce the most carbon dioxide. Usually, youll have plenty of vinegar in a bottle, but not necessarily enough baking soda to react all of it. Also, keep in mind you increase the reaction needed to produce the carbon dioxide when you increase the availability of baking soda by shaking the container to mix the chemicals or by breaking up the baking soda into a fine powder (rather than adding one large clump). Disclaimer: Please be advised that the content provided by our website is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. Fire extinguishers and the chemicals contained within them are dangerous and should always be handled with care and used with common sense. By using this website you acknowledge that ThoughtCo., its parent ​Dotdash, and IAC/InterActive Corp. shall have no liability for any damages, injuries, or other legal matters caused by your use of fireworks or the knowledge or application of the information on this website. The providers of this content specifically do not condone using fireworks for disruptive, unsafe, illegal, or destructive purposes. You are responsible for following all applicable laws before using or applying the information provided on this website.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Job Search Success Story †This Could Be You!
Job Search Success Story – This Could Be You! In my last blog post, Job Seeker Success Survey Results Are Out!, I reviewed some of the most and least effective thoughts and actions taken by job seekers. As promised in last weeks article, heres a story from a client who turned his thinking around from negative to positive and took actions that quickly led to a highly desired job offer. You can create a similar success! Here is his story, as he relates it: Commitment, Investment, Learning My job search began in May 2012, and kicked into high gear in July 2012 as my MBA degree was imminent. As the search began, my thoughts wandered at my current position, admittedly at the expense of my work production; I knew the end was near and this was NOT the company I wanted to build a career with. I had waited patiently for almost 4 years for my opportunity to jump into something I love. I was not going to find a quick fix and take anybody who would have me. I was willing to wait and find the perfect job with the perfect company. I began to devour any and all reading material regarding job searching. I happened upon How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile and read it on the plane to my wedding in Florida. I enlisted the help of The Essay Expert and things got really serious. Not only did I feel I had responsibility to myself, my family, and my new bride, but now I was even more heavily invested, emotionally and financially, in finding that new beginning. I received a LinkedIn makeover, resume makeover and two cover letters that were easily customized to any job I was applying for. Challenges Arise and Some Disempowering Self-Talk I figured Id be hired in no time with the perfect company. Nobody had a better LinkedIn profile, nobody had a better resume, nobody had written a more perfect cover letter. I do sales for a living, so thought interviews would be a BREEZE for a charismatic guy like myself. I was wrong. Those perfect jobs I found? I received rejection emails without even an interview. I complained, Dont they know how hard Ive worked and all the years Ive put in to making myself the perfect candidate? Empowering Self-Talk After suffering for a few weeks, I wrote to Brenda Bernstein, The Essay Expert, who suggested I hire a career coach. She connected me with Kristin Johnson. At this point I had a choice: continue to invest in myself or do it on my own and get the mediocre results I was already getting. I decided to invest in myself because in this job search process you begin to really doubt yourself. With Kristins help, I began to figure out who I am and what my brand is. I had heard the term branding before and thought it was a junk statement made by airheads in Hollywood. Then I came to a realization: I dont know how to express who I am! I could sell anybody on anything but I couldnt sell myself. I again began to devour literature on interviewing. Working with Kristin I learned how to sell myself to achieve my goals. Empowering Action I put my nose to the grindstone. I gained 20 pounds, refusing to go to the gym in the effort to squeeze out more job searching time [Editors note: I do not necessarily recommend this strategy! Many people succeed because they DO go to the gym!]. I emailed, called and met with anybody I could to get connected with a potential job. I was always looking for an angle to make a connection. I poured more hours into my job search, and what were once great cover letters became one-page works of art that took hours for me to construct. Miraculously, doors began to open. I started getting calls for phone and in-person interviews. By trial and error I began to learn how to navigate these encounters. With every interview I felt myself improving and gaining confidence. I dedicated myself to reading self-help books, mostly from Dale Carnegie, and took this knowledge to interviews. Doors began to open widercompanies were offering me jobs! I went from praying for an interview to turning down positions because they just didnt fulfill all my needs. I was being looked at by one of the most luxurious and iconic hotels in New York City. A leader in the online travel agency was flying me out to their headquarters to meet with a panel of interviewers. A company I had turned down for a lower position offered me a management position. A complete 180 occurred! Winning the Game The search finally concluded in November 2012, after 6 months of relentless searching and networking. I accepted a position at a hospitality organization that is worthy of my talents and skills. A tremendous amount of time and effort was poured into this process and I got by with a little help from my new friends. Do you have a successful job search story to share? Please leave a comment below! Category:Job SearchBy Brenda BernsteinApril 23, 2013
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts - Essay Example Luxury rooms and luxury food have become the major features of modern Hotels like the Four Seasons Hotels. While going through the performance report, one finds that the firm has been implementing various strategies in branding, market segmentation, and product positioning. Table of Content 1. Introduction 2. Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts chain in the marketplace 3. Centralization and Decentralization 4. Technology at Four Seasons 5. The Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts’ Internet Site 6. SWOT analysis 1. Introduction The Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts is a Canadian based business organization started by Isadore Sharp in 1960. Today, the company has 74 hotels and 13 resorts operating in 31 countries around the globe, including USA, India, Egypt, Italy, Malaysia, and Hong Cong. The company also provides services like video conferencing, wedding services and vacation packages. It has now become the world’s leading operator of luxury resorts and hotels. Their highest stan dards of service and dedication to the customers have made them the benchmark in luxury hotels. In the opinion of Talbott (2006), the success of the Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts can be attributed to choosing its employees who provides the best genuine and innovative service and its unique organizational culture. 2. Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts chain in the marketplace The Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts has kept a distinguishable place in the marketplace rooted on their motto and vision statement of â€Å"treat others the way you would have them treat you†(Sharp, 2011). This puts the firm in an advantage point above the competing chains in the market. The main business strategy of the hotel is that it only hires people who seem to par with the vision of the organization. The management conducts thorough interview for the employees before they are appointed. The staffs of the hotel are asked to get into interrogation with the top level management regularly; this process makes the employees feel that they play an important role in the organization. On the other hand, in the opinion of Capodagli(n.d) the turnover rate at the Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts is much lower than many other competing luxury hotels. The employees have the chances of getting incentives and bonuses that is above normal. In the opinion of Aufreiter, Elzinga & Gordon (2003), the Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts’ consistency in treating the customers with respect and caring them in an excellent manner distinguished them from competitors. 2. Four Seasons’ delivery of service around the world The Four Season Hotel chain is highly noted for its excellent customer service all over the world. Burke, Martin & Cooper (2011 p.9) also state that the four qualities that hold the Four Seasons above some of their competitors are service, quality, culture, and brand. While delivering service over the international market, the Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts hold the view that there are things that have to be sustained in the same manner for some properties and there are things that must be differentiated according to the culture of the area the hotel is located in. Technology is used only as a complementary tool to the human interactions. A telephone call is made as a follow-up to answer the e-mail send by a customer. Whenever the Four Seasons’ officials visit their different properties, they spend time having dinner with the top-level
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Positive Effects of Using Correct Writing Strategies Research Paper
Positive Effects of Using Correct Writing Strategies - Research Paper Example Mistakes are part of learning and should thus be taken positively. The student can assess their mistakes and those of their peers and learn from the experience. However, the learning process occurs when correcting mistakes. The correction process should involve giving positive feedback, which enlightens the learner on the areas that require improvement. There are different types of mistakes that learners of a second language can make. Some errors are serious to an extent that they hamper communication. This happens when the learner is incapable of constructing comprehendible sentences. The main errors that make communication through writing impossible are mainly grammatical errors, which can be corrected. There are varying strategies that can be used by teachers to correct learners. In my leaning inkshedding and peer review turned out to be very helpful and enabled me to learn how to write correctly. Inkshedding could help students learn a language since it enables them to realize the best strategies to use in writing to communicate their idea to others effectively. In most cases, learners are unaware of their mistakes and require someone else to help them identify and correct their mistakes. On the one hand, inkshedding helps the ESL to communicate with the teacher, and the teacher is able to give valuable comments that enable the students to identify their weaknesses and improve their writing skills. Additionally, inkshedding enables the teacher to motivate the learners without making them feel anxious. After identifying their mistakes, the students are able to correct them even on their own. According to W. Susan, (2001)"Teacher can get an immediate glimpse into what each student thinking, this is more useful than the limited amount of feedback one receive from few students who are just routinely talking." Indeed, whenever I get my inkshed back, I see many valuable comments ma de by the instructor. Â
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The death of rock and roll Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The death of rock and roll - Essay Example There emerged a merger of secular and gospel themes coupled with a greater emphasis on vocalists. Soul music became a major commercial force and soon more attention was directed to it. Music is business beyond just passion. One needed to be where business is, this made more musicians levitate towards Soul. As more business was realized in the Soul genre more attention was given to it with little on rock and this commercial drive was critical in the decline of rock and roll.In my own experience, a similar commercial appropriation of a youth movement has happened in the recent past. This was in the genre of hip-hop music where there was an emergence of a subgenre, Crunk music also referred to as Krunk or pranksters. This genre originated from Memphis in the early 1990s and was to gain popularity in early 2000. It is an up-tempo and more club-oriented subgenre of hip-hop that is characterized by shouting vocals and heavy baseline. This subgenre immensely gained a commercial appropriatio n which would then attract more artists in the sector. More TV commercials, Radio adverts, and Film promos preferred the use of crunk in early 2000. This promoted this subgenre of Hip-hop attracting, even more, artists in the industry due to the heavy commerce it attracted. Clubs played crunch, public service vehicles and radio stations were all about crunk suggesting more business in this genre. For this period the genre of hip-hop faced a decline. Crunk was very popular in between 2001 and 2004.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Models and Practices to Support Children with Disabilities
Models and Practices to Support Children with Disabilities Special Education Needs Course Level 3. Assignment number 1. Part 1 Outline the legal and regulatory requirements for children with disabilities or specific requirements. Regardless of the circumstances all children have rights to be treated fairly and lawfully. Unfavourable treatment could include, Direct discrimination- could include refusing a child access to the setting. Indirect discrimination- maybe only display information in one language. Discrimination due to disability- children having fewer opportunities to take part in activities than other children. Children with special educational needs or disabilities also have additional legal and regulatory requirements to promote inclusion and protect from discrimination. These include, The Equality Act 2010 allows children to receive the same access to public and private services. Making accessible to all, i.e. ramp or braille. This promotes equal opportunities and inclusion for all children. The Children’s and Families Act 2014- this is a single assessment process that will support children from 0-25yrs. This is an EHC- Education, Health and Care plan. This act requires children and families to be involved in decisions about their care. It also places a legal duty for schools to provide appropriate support to children with medical conditions. Special Educational Needs and Disabilities code of practice: 0-25yrs. This provides guidance on policies and procedures that are set out in part 3 of the children’s and families act 2014. Organisations using this are, all local authorities, NHS trust, Local early year’s providers and independent and specialist schools. The principles underpinned in the code are, Views and wishes of the child and carers. Taking part in discussions and getting the information and support to make the right decisions. Give support to achieve the best possible outcomes. When following these principles the support hopefully will lead to partnerships providing quality support for all who have disabilities and special educational needs. The code of practice aims to remove barriers to learning for all children and that early identification and intervention from all services can support them. The United Nations Convention on rights of the child. This document give rights and entitlements to all children regardless of circumstances and their needs. There are 54 articles that explain the rights. Some examples are, Article 12- states the views of the child should be listened to and respects. They do not give authority over adult views but can be taken into account. Article 23- outlines that children have rights to receive special care and support to enable to live full and independent lives. Article 31- responsibility to be able to play freely within the environment. The Unites Nations Convention on the rights of persons with Disabilities. Human rights treaty that gives rights to disabled people. It outlines ways of reducing the barriers. Article 7 outlines for children what must be taken into account, All necessary measures should be taken into account to have full participation as others do. Primary consideration should be in their best interests. Should have rights to express their views and opinions that affect them, and to be taken seriously. The Special Educational Needs and Disability regulations 2014- this came in to effect on the 1st September 2014. It sets out the requirements for local authorities for accessing children and young people’s needs and drawing up their EHC. It requires them to consult with parents and to keep all involved in the care informed throughout the whole process. A reference to this is taken from, (Ref, Dovenston. M. (2006) Primary Special Educational Needs, Exeter. Learning Matters Ltd). It says that it recognises that parents hold key information and have a variety of unique skills, knowledge and understanding about their child. This can provide a good balance of information needed to get the child the best. Part 2. Explaining the importance of working inclusively with children with disabilities or specific requirements. It is important to promote equal opportunities for children by having an environment free from discrimination. All children should have the opportunity to be educated within a mainstream setting with children of all mixed abilities. Having a child-centred approach will help to meet their needs and strengthen the child. Example, visual timetables, signs in different languages. Access to the whole school through ramps. All these are use at the school which I work at. Two models of disabilities are: Medical model disability, this is when it is seen as an illness. They are labelled by their condition. As they focus on the disability, strengths and interests of the child can be over looked. Social model disability, this recognises that everyone has rights. Attitudes towards disabilities is from ‘society’ not the individual. Ways of promoting inclusive practice are: Respect the child. Empathy demonstrated by practitioners. Children are empowered. Their interests are at the centre of your planning. Examples, using the Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and Annual reviews to get together to discuss these. Good equal opportunities which are a legal requirement, which is not optional, will promote inclusion within the setting. Some of the stratagies used are listed below: Make everyone feel welcome. Respect and value the individual. Plan using their interests. Resources and materials used to promote a positive image. Practitioners to display positive attitudes. Deal with discriminatory language and behaviour in the correct manner. Part 3. The benefits of working together with parents and other professionals. When you are involved in providing care and support for children, parents must be consulted and involved. This will provide insight to have the children are at home, and it is respectful to the family. Along with parents the use of external agencies provide help. Examples: I have contact with a special school who provides information to help me provide the best for the child I work with. The SEND Code of Practice gives an outline of the principles that are needed to maintain a positive working relationship with the parents: Consult with the children and parents when reviewing services All providers should support parents contributing to the reviews of the EHC plans. Make arrangements to provide advice and information to the children. These are all from the new SEND code of practice 2014 0-25yrs. There are still a number of principles from the 2001 paper which are in use. These are, Use parental knowledge of relationship with the child. Focus on strengths as well as their needs. Be aware of their feelings. Make sure parents are aware of and understand procedures and give documents well in advance of any meetings. Respect differing perspectives. Respect needs of the parents. The need to be flexible and also structured within the meeting. Working with other professionals and agencies you can provide opportunities to gain more knowledge and other strategies to help in providing professional care to the children in your care. In school you will have a designated person who is in charge of the SEN children. They are usually referred to as the SENCO, (special educational needs co-ordinator.) they are responsible for providing support for those who need it. My job is to support the learning of a child one to one, who has learning difficulties. I work and liaise with the SENCO worker on a regular basis to ensure we are providing the best support and care for him. Together we have tailored a literacy programme, and we have used outside agencies to provide this material. These are: Speech and language therapist, and a Special school who have given us programmes to use. (Ref, Dovenston.M. (2006) primary special educational needs, Exeter, Learning Matters Ltd) says,’ It is important to listen communicate, take advice and share information with all relevant parties, but always maintaining confidentiality’. Other professionals which can be involved in care for children are: Physiotherapist – to meet the physical needs of the children. Provide exercises and treatment. Speech and language therapist – devise a programme involving parents and practitioners to use with them. Health visitors – provide advice and support and help to educate families. Paediatrician – used to diagnose a condition and possibly refer to other agencies General practitioner – usually first point of contact and they will usually make the referrals. Social worker – have the role of provide safeguarding and protection to children. Also providing guidance and practical help for families. Together all professionals, practitioners and parents will help to provide the support, knowledge and care that a child needs. Part 4 How practitioners can adapt existing practices to support children with disabilities or specific requirements. During the last year or so a number of pieces of legislation has been changed or undated, this includes the SEN code of practice 0-25yrs. This means that all establishments who use these must take responsibility to make sure that the environment is a high standard to provide the care needed. Taken from, ( 19.10.2014) they say that they should, Adapt to meet the requirements within the legislation. All materials and resources are age and stage appropriate. Display positive attitudes. Inclusion within the learning environment. Have early intervention. Have positive role models. The environment is an important aspect. Children need to have appropriate access to the buildings, through ramps, security, high and locked gates. Having the correct equipment, tables chair etc. when choosing an activity to do think about how it is going to take place, if on floor can all taking part or can it be moved onto the table. If a child has a visual impairment do they have the appropriate equipment to use? Visual timetables can help children. I use one of these for the child I work with. Having positive attitudes towards all provides an image for all to follow whatever their needs may be. Children like to do things for themselves, but due to their disability they may find it difficult, for example going to the toilet, getting dressed and undressed. Fastening zips. Velcro is good and gives them confidence to do things for themselves. Some children don’t know how to express themselves and their feelings in an appropriate way. Again I have had this problem. I have made and used a number of flash cards which have different faces on them which represent an emotion. I get the child to show me the card if they need to. They do contain a word explanation. If a child has a physical impairment provide activities that allow them to be at the same level. Have room for them to move without injuring themselves safely around the classroom. For those with sensory impairments try not to change the layout without telling them and showing them (work through it with them). If possible try and keep the floor space clear of obstacles and always supervise the child through any activity. Providing activities that are too easy is the same as giving them something too hard. Through your assessment and judgment you will know the level/ stage which the child is at and you can plan your activities around this using differentiation. Another example is the tailored literacy programme which I use. Giving the children confidence to achieve even the smallest thing will encourage them to do more. Appendix. References used in this assignment are: Course material for assignment number 1. Own experiences from the school where I work. Website – 19.10.2014 Books. – Doveston.M. (2006) Primary Special Educational Needs.Exeter. Learning Matters Ltd.
Friday, October 25, 2019
publicity :: essays research papers
What is Publicity? Well publicity is the Art of Attracting FREE public exposure making One’s self visible to the public eye now this may be a newspaper article mention in a magazine on radio or television interview or item it’s all free exposure none paid visibility that can illustrate a positive or negative image to the â€Å"general public†. Now I’m sure your saying to your self publicity sounds a lot like advertising, and you’re wondering, what’s the difference between Advertising and publicity? Well ladies and gentlemen advertising is the activity of attracting public attention to a product or business or â€Å"a band†, as by PAID announcements in the form of print, broadcast, or electronic media such as the internet, what can Publicity do for you? To really hit the nail on the head I would say Publicity provides important visibility. An article in newspaper or a story on radio or television will attract public attention and stimulate public interest and create awareness and build creditability for the cause you’re promoting, then you and your organization can profit from this most important visibility Why attract publicity? One of the main reasons P.R professionals seek publicity and not advertising the significant word here is Creditability, publicity is regarded as more credible th en advertising; to attract positive publicity requires establishing a good working relationship with the media. This is of course easier said then done, your job as public relations professional is to provide the media with none biases information about your organization whether it is electronic or print with and you do this by furnishing them with a press release. Its what editors and reporters receive and read each day to make up there paper and decide what Stories to use. Never attempt to lie to the media always be truthful it is imperative to be honest and open all it takes is one lie one cover up and your creditability is destroyed and in order for your creditability to be eradicated all that is needed is one nosey reporter trying to make a name for his or her self. Weather the mass media has lost relative influence to other proliferating alternative communications vehicles or not the fact remains that securing positive publicity through the media still lies at the heart of public relations practice. Despite the growth of the internet and electronic media, print still stands as the number one medium among public relations professionals.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Collapse of the Ussr
Stephen Wears Assess the mall factors of the break-up of the soviet Union The break up and dissolution of the soviet union on the 25th December 1991 heralded the end of the Cold War. It ushered In what had been termed ‘the new world order', furthermore, it was suggested by Francis Fauvism to have signaled the end of history and the battle of ideas which had dominated much of the twentieth century (Huntington, 1996; 31). The ‘clash of civilizations' had already seen the demise of fascism as a credible force in 1945, the close of 1991 would see the end of communism in Europe.The relatively sudden collapse of the USSR has compelled winkers and analysts to seek answers as to why the world's second superpower could collapse so quickly and so utterly. Can it be attributed to one single catastrophic event, or is it far more appropriate to place blame on a number of contributing factors? The controversy surrounding the collapse of the USSR has been compared to the collapse of the Roman Empire among others and will also continue to be interpreted and reinterpreted for many years to come (Liqueur 1993; 387).This essay will look at some of the factors which lead to dissolution and assess the importance of each. The key issues that this essay will assess include the problem of he nationalities, the Geographer factor, economic problems, and the social and political upheavals caused by Perestroika and Glasnost. The Geographer factor must be viewed In the context of state of the country he Inherited from his predecessors coupled with the effects of Glasnost and Perestroika. It has been suggested that Glasnost and Perestroika played key roles in hastening the collapse of the world's second superpower.Glasnost (meaning openness) allowed people to see the flaws In the system and questions were raised as to whether or not communism had been good for Russia. Perestroika (meaning restructuring) also highlighted flaws in the lattice and bureaucratic system that could not be given a quick fix. The economic problems of the USSR have also been cited as a considerable factor in the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The command economy had stifled Innovation and its existence outside of the world economy had caused major problems. Further to this the USSR could not keep up with the military spending of the USA during the 1 sass.Competing against the military spending of the Reagan Administration as well as fighting a protracted war against the Munched in Afghanistan had all but exhausted the economy of the USSR. The nationalities provided a great problem for any ideas of national unity. It has been argued by Lord William Wallace that it would be very difficult for the European union evolve into a unified state because there is a lack of identity and little sense to shared history across the continent (Smith, 2005). This is the same problem facing attempts by soviet leaders to foster a single soviet nationality.The very same Issue had been faced by the Ts arist system before It. One of the few things the nationalities had in common was the centuries of Russian domination. Sitting on what 75 years before had been the Tsarist Russian Empire, the Soviet union faced same problem as had the Tsarist regime, namely the Incredibly republics of the USSR, was made up of many smaller semi-autonomous republics. Russians formed the biggest ethnic group at Just over 50%, followed by the Ukrainians with 15% of the total population. Other nationalities included Zebu; Biliousness; Khaki and Volta Attar among many others.The downfall of the Soviet Union gave an opportunity for peoples across the vast territory from Kampuchea to the Kola Peninsula to glamour for recognition (Dukes, 1998; 332). This suggests that the problem of the nationalities would continue to e a headache for the newly formed Russian Federation. The rise of nationalism added to the troubles faced by the Kremlin during the sass. The growth of the Transactions and Baltic Popular Front s had brought the problem of the nationalities to the fore when in 1989 the Red Army entered Tidbits to assist the Georgian authorities in putting down a rally.Soviet troops were also used to prop up the communist government of Azerbaijan under threat from nationalist forces (Chubbier, 2001; 195). The Baltic States did not Join the chorus of statements of sovereignty which had come from Astrakhan and Ukraine, this was because they regarded their incorporation into the USSR as an illegal act. They challenged the legality of the Molotov – Robertson pact of 1939 and achieved international support in the form of the American refusal to recognize the annexation of the region (Strayed, 1998; 152-153).The policy of Perestroika can be seen as the catalyst for the increase in nationalism as the planned restructuring of the USSR exposed fundamental flaws in the Soviet system. The policy of Glasnost also exposed corruption within the Caucasian and Central Asian republics, Geographer res ponded by replacing the Khaki Communist Party leader Sunken with a Russian. This caused a great deal of rioting in Almost (Strayed, 1998; 150-151). Further to the rise of popular front movements within the constituent republics, the Soviet Union was also facing a crisis with its East European satellites due in part to the policies of Glasnost and Perestroika.Glasnost and Perestroika are often cited as the most important factors in speeding the demise of the Soviet Union. Eric Hobbies claims that the only thing that made the soviet system work was the command structure of the party and the state which had been inherited from the days of Stalin (1995; 480). Once again it mimed that reform from the top was going to introduce fundamental change which was to be ultimately uncontrollable. Hobbies also suggests that ‘glasnost amounted to the disintegration of authority' and ‘perestroika amounted to the destruction of the old mechanisms which made the economy work' (1995; 483).P erestroika had to an extent legalized dissent, and groups in cities across the USSR began forming larger political groups known as ‘clubs of socially active citizens' (Chubbier, 2001; 190). This radical departure from the Soviet norm of suppressing membership of political parties other than the Communist Party was acclimated by the decision to stop arrests on the grounds of political activity. The release of political prisoners saw the growth of new organizations outside of the Soviet system, however by 1988 this opposition numbered Just a few thousand (Chubbier, 2001; 191).Glasnost played a major part in the unraveling of the Soviet Union. It brought forward into stark light the myriad of social problems which had 320-321). Part of glasnost and perestroika involved the relaxing of censorship of the press and other media. It was clear to Geographer that hard line censorship was a utile exercise given the increasing public access to western broadcasts, particularly in the after math of the Coherency disaster of 1986 (Acton, 1995; 320). It was recognized that reform of the economy and wider society could not happen under the current level of state censorship.Not even Lenin escaped criticism under glasnost, it was claimed that the October revolution had been an unmitigated disaster for Russia, leading the nation on a long road to nowhere (Acton, 1995; 323). Geographer and his policies of glasnost and perestroika soon faced serious problems with regards to implementation of the reforms. It seemed that Geographer was trying to do the impossible by marrying completely opposing concepts, ‘socialism with capitalism, totalitarianism with democracy'(Chubbier, 2001; 194). This was also known as the Geographer Factor.The Geographer Factor stems from the problem of the Soviet Union being too reliant on the top figure in government (Chubbier, 2001; 194). It was almost impossible to override the powers held by Geographer, even if it did mean following his lead to the destruction of the USSR. It can be argued that this same problem led to economic stagnation under Brethren and the less than successful schemes of Khrushchev. Regional fragmentation and the erosion of the USSR as a ‘political and economic empire' pushed the republics further towards secession, the communist parties in the Baltic States split from the main communist party of the Soviet Union (CUPS).This caused a wave of similar actions in other constituent republics and served to hasten the disintegration of the country. The process of demonstration initiated by Geographer set the Soviet Union on the course to oblivion for it allowed the republics to elect popular governments and vote to secede from the union via referendum. This most significant of these was the referendum held by Ukraine the results of which indicated the will of the people to leave the union. However this is at odds with the referendum set down by Geographer regarding the retention and reform of the USSR , which received overwhelming popular support.Nevertheless the simple fact that the largest republic in the USSR other than Russia had voted to leave the union could only have a catastrophic effect on the future of the country as a whole. Geographer had no choice but to accept these events, as there could be no return to Stalinist era of brutal suppression such as that en during the Hungarian Uprising in 1956. Geographer faced opposition to the introduction of restructuring and openness to the soviet system. The opposition came to a head in August of 1991, the central state bureaucracy made an attempt at regaining political control of the country (Chubbier, 2001; 193).A coup d'Â ©tat was launched in an attempt to reassert conservative values to the Soviet system. Geographer was put under house arrest in Crimea while attempts were made at reversing the damage done by perestroika. This however received no popular support from the public, prompting Boris Yielding to act to put a stop to the coup. Yielding, President of the Russian SF led a three day resistance movement which involved barricades being set up in central Moscow and around the ‘White House' to prevent the plotters from assuming power (Chubbier, 2001; 193).This proved to be Geographer's power almost completely eroded, a secret meeting of the leaders of the three main Slavic states declared that the USSR officially ceased to exist. Without a country to lead Geographer tendered his resignation on 25th December 1991. All but five signatures were present on the declaration of the end of the USSR. The Baltic tastes had long maintained their annexation was illegal, Georgia would sign later. The other noticeable absence was that of Mikhail Geographer (Chubbier, 2001 ; 194-195).This essay has given an assessment of the events leading to the dissolution of the USSR in 1991. Although it cannot be said with any great certainty that any one factor was more influential than another, it must be noted that Gl asnost and Perestroika have not been too far away from any of the issues discussed here. The two flagship policies of Geographer had been intended to complement each other, in reality they had the opposite effect. Attempting to Join opposing concepts was a futile exercise which no doubt hastened the demise of the Soviet superpower.The problems faced by the Soviet government ran much deeper than appeared to the Soviet public. Years of economic stagnation and bureaucratic strangulation had left the Soviet Union a spent force by the late sass. Robert Strayed suggests that ‘tinkering with its fragile structures would send it [the USSR] spinning into oblivion' (1998; 88). One can't avoid this harrowing assessment being very similar to the assertion made by Doll Hitler shortly before launching Operation Barbarous, hat ‘one has only to kick in the door, and the whole rotten edifice will come crashing down'.Of course this was a statement of propaganda and should be viewed with t hat in mind. Ultimately the Soviet Union was broken by a series of intertwining events, both long term and short term, some more important than others but each playing a crucial role. Just as the USSR was established on the ruins of the Tsarist Empire, the newly formed Russian Federation is established on the ruins of the USSR, marked by the raising of the Russian Atrocious, watched by a small group of pro-communist supporters. List of References
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