Tuesday, November 26, 2019
how to clone in ur kitchen essays
how to clone in ur kitchen essays Cloning is the production of multiple, identical offspring. A clone is an animal who is genetically identical to its donor "parent". We now know that this can be achieved using cells derived from a microscopic embryo, a fetus, or from an adult animal. Cloning from adult animals was introduced to the public in 1997 when scientists announced the birth of Dolly, the first animal cloned in this way. There have now been hundreds of clones produced from skin cells taken from adult sheep, cattle, goats, pigs and mice. The real key to cloning an adult animal is the ability to reprogram the skin cell nucleus and cause it to begin developing as if it was a newly fertilized egg. Cloning requires specialized microsurgery tools and involves five basic steps: 1. Enucleation of the recipient egg 2. Transfer of the donor cell into the recipient egg 3. Fusion of the donor cell to the recipient egg 4. Culturing the resulting cloned embryo in the incubator 5. Transferring the developing embryo into the reproductive tract of a surrogate mother Step 3 - Fusion of the Donor Cell to the Recipient Egg The egg and the donor cell are placed in the fusion chamber between 2 electrodes. A low electrical current is passed across the positive and negative electrode. This electrical charge causes the membrane of the donor cell to fuse with the membrane of the enucleated recipient egg. When the 2 membranes fuse together, the nucleus (containing all the genetic material from the donor animal) of the skin cell is now surrounded by the recipient egg. The offspring that result from this procedure are genetically identical to the donor animal that the skin biopsy was taken from. In this case, all five of these goats are clones, produced from the same donor cell line. They are genetically identical to each other and to their donor "parent". They are different ages because the cloned embryos were made and transferred to surroga ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Sentence Flow
Sentence Flow Sentence Flow Sentence Flow By Maeve Maddox David writes: I was wondering if you could share your thoughts on how to flow from sentence to sentence. I feel mine can be a bit jumpy as I tell the story. Much is written about â€Å"transition sentences,†that is, sentences that bridge paragraphs, but that’s not what this question is about. This question is about what a writer can do to avoid writing paragraphs that all progress to a beat of dumpty-dumpty-dump. Two things contribute to the flow of sentences within a paragraph: 1. sentence length 2. logical progression of thought In browsing my shelves for examples, I realized that some very popular writers don’t seem to share David’s concern regarding â€Å"jumpy†narration. Here’s a typical paragraph from Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code: Langdon and Sophie stepped into another world. The small room before them looked like a lavish sitting room at a fine hotel. Gone were the metal and rivets, replaced with oriental carpets, dark oak furniture, and cushioned chairs. On the broad desk in the middle of the room, two crystal glasses sat beside an opened bottle of Perrier, its bubbles still fizzing. A pewter pot of coffee steamed beside it. Not a complex sentence in sight. It doesn’t seem to matter if Brown is being reflective or describing action. Most of his sentences are simple or compound. Here and there the reader comes across a noun clause introduced by that, or a an adverb clause introduced by as or as if. Mostly it’s dumpty-dumpty-dump. Yes, Dan Brown is a wildly successful writer and I’m happy for him. His gift, however, is story-telling, not writing style. Here are two examples from a novel by a writer who is both an effective story-teller and a fine stylist. The first is a paragraph in which the narrator is reflecting on his life. He is attending the opera with his employer. I suppose I had once aspired to come here and walk among these beautiful, elegant people as one of their own, but that had been long ago, before all my dreams had been dashed like porcelain on paving stones. Now that I was finally here, I felt all the more like a Welsh collier’s brat, as if I were still twelve, nose running, and starting to outgrow my brother’s cast-offs. I was in the right place at the wrong time. Such was the refrain of my life. Some Danger Involved by Will Thomas The first sentence is long and leisurely, suggesting reflection. It contains no fewer than four clauses and numerous phrases. The second sentence has multiple clauses and phrases, but the last two are simple sentences, brusquely bringing the introspection back to the present moment. The second example is from an action paragraph in which the narrator is about to be murdered. The cross spun in a circle, and when it stopped, a pistol was clapped to my head. It was my own revolver. I recognized the filed-down sight. I closed my eyes and felt surprisingly at ease. I was ready to die now. I gave it all over. At that point, I would have preferred a bullet to slow death. Ibid. The first sentence has three clauses joined by the most commonplace conjunctions and and when. The loosely joined clauses suggest a spinning motion. The next two sentences are simple and staccato. Short sentences take the reader along rapidly. They convey the breathlessness felt by the man in danger. The next sentence has two clauses, but they are short and, again, joined by the nearly invisible and. The next three sentences are simple. With the length of the sentences the writer has conveyed both the fear and resignation felt by the narrator. The writer striving for a pleasantly flowing style will vary sentence length and kind, crafting length to thought. Here are some joining words with which to introduce subordinate clauses. Subordinate conjunctions after, although, as, as if, as long as, as much as, as soon as, as though, because, before, even if, even though, how, if, inasmuch, in order that, lest, now, provided (that), since, so that, than, that, though, till, unless, until, when, whenever, where, wherever, while, Conjunctive adverbs accordingly, also, anyway, again, besides, certainly, consequently, contrarily, finally, further, furthermore, elsewhere, hence, henceforth, however, in contrast, incidentally, indeed, instead, likewise, meanwhile, moreover, namely, nevertheless, next, nonetheless, now, otherwise, rather, similarly, so, subsequently, still, that is, then, thereafter, therefore, thus, undoubtedly, yet Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Good At, Good In, and Good With20 Words Meaning "Being or Existing in the Past"Epidemic vs. Pandemic vs. Endemic
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Iraq Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Iraq - Assignment Example However, the situation has changed for the better thus indicating that the international community is committed to helping nations protect themselves against external attacks. However, the PM did not state the exact time the offensive might be launched. He said the timing depends on â€Å"our own preparation†and â€Å"the situation on the ground†. With the help of US-led coalition air strikes, soldiers as well as allied Shia militiamen have the coordination needed to retake territory north of Baghdad. Analysis: Mr. Abadi’s actions indicate that he wants to run Iraq unemotionally and rationally as he managed hi engineering firm while in exile in the UK. He wants to be non-discriminative as his predecessor who only pushed for the sectarian interests of the Shia population and ignored Sunni population. He is committed to ending sectarianism and governing in the best interests of the entire Iraq. He is likely to win the battle because Islamic state no longer inspires the terror it once did. The close coordination between Iraqi security forces, civilian volunteer fighters, the US army and the Peshmerga is likely to make the operation a success. Mr. Abadi is certain that Iraq will be able to liberate Mosul without any problems or friction in that
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Age of Depression Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Age of Depression - Article Example 156). Thus, the authors underline that depression is a term used both too widely and too narrowly. Psychiatrists who use it too widely apply it to diverse normal states, like sadness and grief, and diverse abnormal states, like paranoid paralysis due to fear, and obsessive ambivalent paralysis. "Revolutionary transformations" in psychiatry allow identify new causes and manifestation of emotional and mental disorders classified as depression. The authors give a special attention to strengths and weaknesses of such types as DSM I and DSM II editions. The new edition, DSM III proposed a new approach to psychiatric diagnosis criteria. Thus, the author underline that 'the main drawback of symptom-based criteria was they eliminated the consideration of the context in which the symptoms arose" (Horwitz & Wakefield 2005, p. 157). The authors take into account research studies comparing statistical results obtained during 1980s and 1990s. They found that some psychiatrists who apply the conce pt too narrowly deny depressive dynamics in others to hide them in themselves, from themselves. Or the diagnosis is not made because the patient disguises the illness: (1) as a behavioral symptom; (2) as an attitudinal symptom; (3) as a physical symptom; (4) as another psychological disorder. The authors claim that the main limitation of these studies that they ignored the context of symptoms. As the most important, the traditional symptom-based approach is easy to use but it is less effective. The description of the clinical manifestations of depression is organized according to the parameters of the mental status examination. While the diagnosis of depression is not warranted unless a significant number of the signs and symptoms are present, it should be suspected even in the presence of just a few of them. The authors state that "it is important to make distinction between the normal and sadness responses" in order to provide effective treatment because "medical interference in n ormal sadness can be even harmful" (Horwitz & Wakefield 2005, p. 159). Horwitz & Wakefield come to conclusion that DSM III has many limitations and inadequate criteria which caused 'unintended consequences' for general public and society. The authors of the articles discuss an important problem of criteria applied to the state of depression and negative consequences of misdiagnosis. I agree with the authors that it is crucial to apply both symptom-based and content-based criteria to diagnose mental disorders. According to DSM III, psychiatrists diagnose depression from depressive-like symptoms that are in fact part of another syndrome. Because symptoms characteristic for depression are also characteristic for other disorders, most depressive symptoms have a differential diagnosis. For instance, a patient can be misdiagnosed as "depressed" because he/she is unable to relate to others. In some cases, psychiatrists diagnose depression in the absence of illness. This happens when normal moodiness is misidentified as depression. Here the clinician fails to distinguish getting depressed from having a clinical depression, the symptom from the syndrome. The main limitations of the article are lack of current research and statistical data. The author use statistical information and research studies
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Introduction, review of accounting process and financial statement Essay Example for Free
Introduction, review of accounting process and financial statement Essay Part 1 General acceptable accounting principle General accounting principles are set of rules generated by accounting board to guide accountant in preparation and reporting of financial statements. General acceptable accounting principles are accounting guidelines (GAAP) used in United States and are issued by financial accounting standard board (FASB). Other countries uses the guideline issued by international accounting standard board (IASB) supplemented by their own local laws. GAAP guide selection of events to be accounted for, the measurement of these events, and the mean of summarizing and communicating them to interested parties. In recording transactions GAAP make use of the following principles a) historical cost principle b) revenue recognition c) marching principle d) full disclosure GAAP facilitate comparability of financial statement for various firms. Information that has been measured and reported in a similar manner for different enterprise is considered comparable. Comparability enables users to identify the real similarities and differences in economic phenomenon. Comparability is achieved when companies use similar accounting procedures (e.g. use of same inventory method, depreciation) to account for similar economic circumstance (Porwal, 2008). Double entry accounting This is the method of recording accounting transaction where every debit entry must be accompanied by a credit entry and vice versa. If this method of accounting is not enforced then the basic accounting equation i.e. ASSETS = LIABILITIES + EQUITY will not balance. Therefore double entry accounting is used to ensure that financial record are complete and thus ensures that final statements give a true and fair view of financial performance at a given date otherwise if an accounting transaction is recorded on one side i.e. a debit or credit the balance sheet will not balance which indicate an error in preparation of financial statement (Fridson Alvarez, 2002). Historical cost Historical cost is the original cost incurred in acquisition of assets. All assets and liability are recorded in financial statement under historical cost principle.  Under this principle the exchange price established or cost incurred at the time a transaction occurs is the basis for initially recording assets and liability. Cost is usually the best estimates of an asset or liability i.e. cost and fair value of an asset are equal at acquisition date. Historical cost principle ensures that there is consistency in recording asset and liability where assets are recorded at historical cost and subsequent loose of value is shown as depreciation and adjusted from historical cost to show the book value of an asset at a given date. Accrual basis vs. cash basis accounting Measurement of revenue can either be through accrual method or cash accounting basis. The two accounting method consists of rules that determines how and when expenses and revenue are reported. With accrual basis of accounting, revenue is recorded in the period in which it is earned and not necessarily when cash is received while expenses are recorded when they have been incurred. This method of accounting is used by all publicly traded company and large businesses. With cash basis of accounting revenue is recognized when cash is received while expenses are recorded when cash is paid (Fridson Alvarez, 2002). The major difference between the two methods is that 1). In using the cash basis of accounting there are no any payables or receivable recorded in the balance sheet while in using the accrual basis both receivables and payables are recognized in the balance sheet. While reporting revenue using accrual basis both collected and uncollected revenue are recorded while for cash basis only the cash amount collected from sales and other activities are recorded. For instance if a customers pay $ 100,000 for goods which he has not yet received by the end of accounting period, using the cash basis this will be shown as revenue in the income statement but while using the accrual basis $100,000 is described as deferred revenue and will appear in balance sheet as current liability. On the other hand when the firm deliver goods or offers a service but such amount remain outstanding at the end of the period using cash basis such a transaction will not be recorded but while using the accrual basis such amount will be described as accrued revenue and will be recognized as revenue in the income statement and recorded in balance sheet as current asset (Siegel, 2007). 2) In a cash basis report, only the cash paid to vendors are shown as expenses while in accrual reports both paid and unpaid amount are included as expenses. For instance if a company pay rent amounting to $120,000 for 12 month but by the end of accounting period only rent for six month have been utilized using the accrual method $60,000 will be recorded as rent expense in the income statement while the remaining $ 60,000 are described as prepaid expense and are recorded as current asset in the balance sheet. For cash basis the whole amount of $120,000 will be recorded as rent expense during the current period. In preparation of financial statement the accrual basis of accounting is used where revenue is recorded in the accounting period it is earned irrespective of whether cash is received and associated cost used in generation of this revenue are also recorded in the same period. This is used in order to show the correct profit generated by an enterprise during a certain period. Current assets and liability vs. non-current items Assets include anything of value that is owned or due to the business. Current asset are those that mature in less than one year e.g. inventory, debtors, prepayment and note receivables. Liabilities represent a company’s obligation to creditors. Obligations that have to be paid within one year are called current liabilities. In preparation of financial statement asset are recorded as either current or non-current while liabilities are dividend into current and non-current liability and companies have to adhere to this rule of financial reporting. Part 2 Bp group BP group present it final statement in term of income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement. All the statement are presented in vertical format and each item is shown together with the corresponding item in the previous year. The income statement shows the income generated and division of this profit to various stakeholders i.e. among the total profit generated in year 2008 which amounted to $ 35,239 million the providers of finance received $1,547 million, government received $12,617 million and the shareholders received $ 21,666. The group balance sheet is dividend into five categories namely current assets, non-current assets, current liabilities, non-current liabilities and equity. The cash flow statement is dividend into three category i.e. the operating activities the investing activities and the financing activities. It financial statement are prepare in accordance with applicable UK law and international financial reporting standard. Quicksilver Inc The company also presents it final account in term of income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement. The income statement show the profit generated and distribution to various stakeholders i.e. shareholders, government and minority interest. For each item in year 2008 the corresponding item in year 2007 and 2006 is also shown. The balance sheet is also presented in a vertical format where items are categorized into non-current assets, current assets, current liability, non-current liability and equity. The cash flow statement is dividend in to operating, investing and financing activities. It financial statement has been prepared in accordance with the general acceptable accounting principles. RTL group It general presentation of financial statement is like in above two companies with the balance sheet dividend in to current asset and liabilities vs. non-current item and equity. The balance sheet and income statement are prepared in vertical format and show corresponding figures of previous year. Cash from operating activities is the best measure of company performance since it indicates whether or not the company will be able to meet it financing and investing need. Even if the company may have generated sufficient profit it may be in financial difficulty and may even be declared bankrupt for failure to meet obligation of creditor. Higher profit may be as a result of a change in accounting policy and not improvement in performance. More detail relating to each companies associate and subsidiaries can be collected from the filing they make in the respective country in which they are incorporated and their final report. Predicting company’s future trend Quick silver The company net income increased by 19% in 2007 compared to 2006. In 2008 the net income increased by 11% and in the year 2009 income is expected to grow by between 5%-8%. The company management also expect a hard time ahead due to current financial crisis which has led to a decline in household income and lower demand. RTL group In year 2008 revenue grew by 0.01% compared to and in year 2009 revenue are expected to decline by 2-5%. The company management and directors expect a drop in revenue in key market due to global economic crisis which has heightened the intensity of competition. Bp group The net revenue in year 2007 grew by 7% compared to 2006. In 2008 income grew by 27%. In 2009 revenue is expected to grow between 30-35%. Despite the harsh economic condition the management expects to increase it revenue earnings through higher fuel price.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Personal History Essay -- Personal Statement
I am satisfied with what I have become; a student specializing in Physics with special interests in experimental Condensed Matter Physics. I grew up in a very small town. A town not fully developed; there were very few resources and not many quality schools to acquire a solid education. I had to pass an entrance exam to get into a good school for 8th grade at a time when most students in my town would drop out of school after 7th grade in order to search for work and support their families. My parents could not complete their undergraduate studies because they had to work to support their families, but their emphasis on the importance of education, their dedication and massive effort inspired me to search for the highest education possible. My family has sustained me throughout my education as best as they can. My high school days made me more independent and resourceful because I had to balance the challenges of commuting three hours daily plus studying in order to earn good grades. I was also an active member in various school activities such as, basketball, badminton, and various community events. I also acted as a leader for my high school basketball team for state level competition. With hard work and continuous dedication, I earned many awards in high school for my preeminent performance in the fields of science. I was one of 30 students, out of 80, who graduated from high school in my class. Since childhood, I have been drawn to scientific activities and inventions that amaze me so my family and friends have always encouraged me to enhance my intellect by giving me different scientific puzzles, articles and books. With the course of time, I sensed a keen interest in science and decided to choose it as my career. I... ...th the conviction to deliver a true spirit of teamwork to the study group and school community. The more I know, the more I seek. My acceptance to your university will increase my wanderlust to go deeper into unanswered questions and unexplored realms. My academic, extra-curricular and, social endeavors have firmly established my trust in the scientific canon. They have helped me appreciate and inculcate the values like quest for knowledge, courage to question, systematic reasoning, open-mindedness and team spirit. I have been working on experimental research for almost four years now. I believe that a few years from now, my abilities, creativity, effectiveness, hard work, interest, research skills (especially in experimental Condensed Matter Physics) and motivation will enable me to become a successful independent experimentalist and pleased individual.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Stylistic Analysis of Great Gatsby
F. Scott Fitzgerald Born in St. Paul, Minnesota, on September 24, 1896 F. Scott Fitzgerald was the son of Edward Fitzgerald, who worked for Proctor and Gamble and brought his family to Buffalo and Syracuse, New York, for most of his son's first decade. Edward Fitzgerald's great-great-grandfather was the brother of the grandfather of Francis Scott Key, who wrote the poem â€Å"The Star-Spangled Banner. †This fact was of great significance to Mrs. Fitzgerald, Mollie McQuillan, and later to Scott.Mollie Fitzgerald's own family could offer no pretensions to aristocracy, but her father, an Irish immigrant who came to America in 1843, was a self-made businessman. Equally important was Fitzgerald's sense of having come from two widely different Celtic strains. He had early on developed an inferiority complex in a family where the â€Å"black Irish half †¦ had the money and looked down on the Maryland side of the family who had, and really had †¦ ‘breeding,’â € according to Scott Donaldson in the Dictionary of Literary Biography.Out of this divergence of classes in his family background arose what critics called F. Scott's â€Å"double vision. †He had the ability to experience the lifestyle of the wealthy from an insider's perspective, yet never felt a part of this clique and always felt the outsider. As a youth, Fitzgerald revealed a flair for dramatics, first in St. Paul, where he wrote original plays for amateur production, and later at The Newman Academy in Hackensack, New Jersey. At Princeton, he composed lyrics for the university's famous Triangle Club productions.Fitzgerald was also a writer and actor with the Triangle Club at college. Before he could graduate, he volunteered for the army during World War I. He spent the weekends writing the earliest drafts of his first novel. The work was accepted for publication in 1919 by Charles Scribner's Sons. The popular and financial success that accompanied this event enabled Fitzgerald to marry Zelda Sayre, whom he met at training camp in Alabama. Zelda played a pivotal role in the writer's life, both in a tempestuous way and an inspirational one.Mostly, she shared his extravagant lifestyle and artistic interests. In the 1930s she was diagnosed as a schizophrenic and was hospitalized in Switzerland and then Maryland, where she died in a fire. For some time, Fitzgerald lived with his wife in Long Island. There, the setting for The Great Gatsby, he entertained in a manner similar to his characters, with expensive liquors and entertainment. He revealled in demonstrating the antics of the crazy, irresponsible rich, and carried this attitude wherever he went.Especially on the Riviera in France the Fitzgerald’s befriended the elite of the cultural world and wealthy classes, only to offend most of them in some way by their outrageous behavior. Self-absorbed, drunk, and eccentric, they sought and received attention of all kinds. The party ended with the hospitalization of Zelda for schizophrenia in Prangins, a Swiss clinic, and, coincidentally, with the Great Depression of 1929, which tolled the start of Scott's personal depression. In the decade before his death, Fitzgerald's troubles and the debilitating effects of his alcoholism limited the quality and amount of his writing.Nonetheless, it was also during this period that he attempted his most psychologically complex and aesthetically ambitious novel, Tender Is the Night (1934). After Zelda's breakdown, Fitzgerald became romantically involved with Sheila Graham, a gossip columnist in Hollywood, during the last years of his life. He also wrote but did not finish the novel The Last Tycoon, now considered to be one of his best works, about the Hollywood motion picture industry. Fitzgerald died suddenly of a heart attack, most likely induced by a long addiction to alcohol, on December 21, 1940.At the time of his death, he was virtually forgotten and unread. A growing Fitzgerald revi val, begun in the 1950s, led to the publication of numerous volumes of stories, letters, and notebooks. One of his literary critics, Stephen Vincent Benet, concluded in his review of The Last Tycoon, â€Å"You can take off your hats now, gentlemen, and I think perhaps you had better. This is not a legend, this is a reputation – and, seen in perspective, it may well be one of the most secure reputations of our time. †General characteristic 1.The text under consideration is a part of well-known novel â€Å"The Great Gatsby†by F. Scott Fitzgerald. F. Scott Fitzgerald is widely praised as the finest and most celebrated novelist of the twentieth century America. Fitzgerald's masterpiece The Great Gatsby, referred to as â€Å"The Great American Novel†, stands as the supreme achievement of his career. The Great Gatsby is the classic novel about the American Dream, one of the great novels of the 20th Century as it captures perfectly some essential quality of th e American myth and dream of the Jazz Age.The novel has profoundly portrayed the unsatisfied desire of the wealth and the success and displayed the theme of the novel the disillusion of American dream. Meanwhile, it also shows Fitzgerald's outstanding talent and the writing technique incisively. His style is exquisite, and the plot is compelling. The splendid work establishes Fitzgerald as a great writer in American literature. Fitzgerald's novel reveals his poetic temperament and style. His observation to the world is exquisite. 2. The general slant of the text is a 1st person (sing. narration, which shows that we deal with narrative with the personage uttered monologue – so the whole narration sounds very subjective. Narrator clearly expresses his opinion, gives an extraordinary description for all the personages and events. 3. The text of the story is not homogeneous. The author’s narration is interrupted by the dialogues of the characters. Direct speech har moniously interrelates with narration. It leaves much for the reader's guesswork and helps the reader to realize all the events taking place in the story. 4. The linguo-stylistic analysis proper: I.Phonographic analysis The traditional text segmentation is observed in this story. It consists of paragraphs. Sometimes direct speech appears in the story. Also changes of the print present in the story, especially capitalization of some words. Author wants to underline some words and phrases with the help of this mean. That’s why he indicates the whole word by the capital letters. e. g. A momentary hush; the orchestra leader varies his rhythm obligingly for her, and there is a burst of chatter as the erroneous news goes around that she is Gilda Gray’s understudy from the FOLLIES. I don’t think it’s so much THAT,†argued Lucille sceptically; â€Å"it’s more that he was a German spy during the war. †â€Å"There’s something funny abou t a fellow that’ll do a thing like that,†said the other girl eagerly. â€Å"He doesn’t want any trouble with ANYbody. †As for rhythmical background of the text, there are alliteration and assonance for better reading and perception of the story. e. g. Every Friday five crates of oranges and lemons arrived from a fruiterer in New York†¦ Laughter is easier minute by minute, spilled with prodigality, tipped out at a cheerful word. II. Lexical analysis ) The words are stylistically neutral in the text. The communicative situation is highly informal. Narrator describes all events which take place at the Gatsby’ party. The communicative situation is highly informal. The vocabulary includes not only standard colloquial words and expressions, but also idioms, phrasal verbs, barbarisms, etc. e. g. The bar is in a full swing, and floating rounds of cocktail permeate the garden outside, until the air is alive with chatter and laughter†¦ â€Å"See! †he cried triumphantly. â€Å"It’s a bona-fide (real) piece of printed matter†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Also the colloquial words proper are observed here. . g. â€Å"†¦This fella’s a regular Belasco. It’s a triumph. What thoroughness! †The writer strong sense of place is revealed by the use of barbarism such as hors-d’oeure (snack), chauffeur, gayety (elegance), etc. Even some archaic phrases are in the text. e. g. †¦already there are wanderers, confident girls who weave here and there among the stouter and more stable, become for a sharp, joyous moment the centre of a group, and then, excited with triumph, glide on through the sea-change (a profound or notable transformation) of faces and voices and color under the constantly changing light. ) The analysis of the vocabulary shows that author uses extraordinary words and words combination to make reader complicit in the story. The most of the words are neutral but rich in connotations. III . Morphological analysis Past Indefinite Tense is frequently used in the chapter, because narrator speaks about past events. But in the third paragraph Past Indefinite Tense is changed for Present Indefinite and Present Continuous Tenses to transfer the reader into the atmosphere of celebration, it creates the effect of immediate presence. The change of tenses registers changes in the narrated events. IV. Syntactic analysis
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Group week
Cell phones are not only for personal use but they can come in handy for business purposes as well. There are many uses for cell phones in a business setting: internet, video calling testing and ability to use applications. With a cellular phone there really is no reason that you cannot be not accessible to your company. Many companies are now allowing cell phones in their businesses. But are there times that cell phones can be a hindrance for a many as well.There is a lot of new technology on cell phones, but some believe that it can be more of a negative impact than a positive one. In a retail setting cell phones can lead to bad customer service or can impede on customers privacy if employees are using their camera features. Cellular phones can also lead to employees to be unproductive. Microbiological: Microbiological can be used as real time communication and to help the company keep up with any complaints or to see what is needed to improve in their company.Microbiological is a way for people to tell about their day in random posts, this could help a company with networking. Microbiological is what people do when they are on Faceable or other Social networking sights. Microbiological is a shorter version of regular blobbing and can be used to promote business and have a more personal relationship with their customers. Cloud Computing: Cloud computing is using a network of remote servers hosted on the internet to store, manage, and process data instead of storing the information on a coal server or personal computer.Cloud computing is good for business and can help reduce the security costs because when you store things within the company, the company can control who sees the information. Cloud computing is also a very easy way for employees to find and share information. Webzines: Webzines are popular when communicating in the business world. In the past companies were dependent on them for group training. This can be used throughout the country to help en courage people to get their points across.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Homemade Fire Extinguisher Science Project
Homemade Fire Extinguisher Science Project A fire extinguisher is an important piece of safety equipment in both the home and lab. You can make your own fire extinguisher using common kitchen ingredients to learn how fire extinguishers work and to learn about gases. Then, apply the Ideal Gas Law to change the characteristics of your homemade fire extinguisher. How a Fire Extinguisher Works A fire extinguisher typically deprives a fire of oxygen. If you encounter a fire at home, on a stovetop, for example, you can smother the fire by putting a lid over your pan or pot. In some cases, you can toss a non-flammable chemical on the fire to reduce the combustion reaction. Good choices include table salt (sodium chloride) or baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). When baking soda is heated, carbon dioxide gas is given off, suffocating the fire. In this project, youll cause a chemical reaction to produce carbon dioxide gas. The carbon dioxide sinks in the air, displacing it and removing oxygen from the fire. Homemade Fire Extinguisher Materials Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)Vinegar (weak acetic acid)Jar with lid, with a hole in the lid Make the Fire Extinguisher Fill the jar about halfway full with vinegar.To activate the fire extinguisher, drop in a spoonful of baking soda.Immediately shake the jar and point the hole of the jar toward your fire. Test out your fire extinguisher on a candle or small intentional fire so you will know what to expect. Tips and Tricks If you want a directional fire extinguisher, you can insert a straw into the hole in the jar or bottle. Use caulk or duck tape to secure the straw so that it wont shoot out of the jar when you use the homemade fire extinguisher.Dont add too much vinegar to the container! You want enough room to add the baking soda and to prevent excessive build-up of pressure.You can prepare sachets of baking soda for easier use. Simply wrap a spoonful of baking soda in a piece of tissue or toilet paper. When youre ready to use the fire extinguisher, drop the packet of baking soda into the jar and close the lid. How to Make a Fire Extinguisher Shoot the Farthest You can apply the Ideal Gas Law to make a science project out of your homemade fire extinguisher. How would you make the fire extinguisher shoot as far as possible? You do this by maximizing the pressure in the bottle. The pressure in the Ideal Gas Law is related to the volume of the bottle, the amount of gas in the bottle and temperature. Maximize pressure by increasing the temperature and the number of moles of gas inside the bottle. PV nRT P is the pressure in the bottle V is the volume of the bottle n is the number of moles of gas in the bottle R Ideal Gas Constant T temperature Kelvin Solving for pressure or P, you get: P nRT / V So, to maximize the amount of pressure and thus the distance you can shoot the carbon dioxide, you can: Minimize the volume of the container (V). Using a larger bottle may make it easier for you to complete the project, but it wont improve the distance of your homemade fire extinguisher.Maximize the amount of gas produced by the chemical reaction (n). Youll need to experiment with the amounts of vinegar and baking soda you use in order to produce the most carbon dioxide. Usually, youll have plenty of vinegar in a bottle, but not necessarily enough baking soda to react all of it. Also, keep in mind you increase the reaction needed to produce the carbon dioxide when you increase the availability of baking soda by shaking the container to mix the chemicals or by breaking up the baking soda into a fine powder (rather than adding one large clump). Disclaimer: Please be advised that the content provided by our website is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. Fire extinguishers and the chemicals contained within them are dangerous and should always be handled with care and used with common sense. By using this website you acknowledge that ThoughtCo., its parent ​Dotdash, and IAC/InterActive Corp. shall have no liability for any damages, injuries, or other legal matters caused by your use of fireworks or the knowledge or application of the information on this website. The providers of this content specifically do not condone using fireworks for disruptive, unsafe, illegal, or destructive purposes. You are responsible for following all applicable laws before using or applying the information provided on this website.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Job Search Success Story †This Could Be You!
Job Search Success Story – This Could Be You! In my last blog post, Job Seeker Success Survey Results Are Out!, I reviewed some of the most and least effective thoughts and actions taken by job seekers. As promised in last weeks article, heres a story from a client who turned his thinking around from negative to positive and took actions that quickly led to a highly desired job offer. You can create a similar success! Here is his story, as he relates it: Commitment, Investment, Learning My job search began in May 2012, and kicked into high gear in July 2012 as my MBA degree was imminent. As the search began, my thoughts wandered at my current position, admittedly at the expense of my work production; I knew the end was near and this was NOT the company I wanted to build a career with. I had waited patiently for almost 4 years for my opportunity to jump into something I love. I was not going to find a quick fix and take anybody who would have me. I was willing to wait and find the perfect job with the perfect company. I began to devour any and all reading material regarding job searching. I happened upon How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile and read it on the plane to my wedding in Florida. I enlisted the help of The Essay Expert and things got really serious. Not only did I feel I had responsibility to myself, my family, and my new bride, but now I was even more heavily invested, emotionally and financially, in finding that new beginning. I received a LinkedIn makeover, resume makeover and two cover letters that were easily customized to any job I was applying for. Challenges Arise and Some Disempowering Self-Talk I figured Id be hired in no time with the perfect company. Nobody had a better LinkedIn profile, nobody had a better resume, nobody had written a more perfect cover letter. I do sales for a living, so thought interviews would be a BREEZE for a charismatic guy like myself. I was wrong. Those perfect jobs I found? I received rejection emails without even an interview. I complained, Dont they know how hard Ive worked and all the years Ive put in to making myself the perfect candidate? Empowering Self-Talk After suffering for a few weeks, I wrote to Brenda Bernstein, The Essay Expert, who suggested I hire a career coach. She connected me with Kristin Johnson. At this point I had a choice: continue to invest in myself or do it on my own and get the mediocre results I was already getting. I decided to invest in myself because in this job search process you begin to really doubt yourself. With Kristins help, I began to figure out who I am and what my brand is. I had heard the term branding before and thought it was a junk statement made by airheads in Hollywood. Then I came to a realization: I dont know how to express who I am! I could sell anybody on anything but I couldnt sell myself. I again began to devour literature on interviewing. Working with Kristin I learned how to sell myself to achieve my goals. Empowering Action I put my nose to the grindstone. I gained 20 pounds, refusing to go to the gym in the effort to squeeze out more job searching time [Editors note: I do not necessarily recommend this strategy! Many people succeed because they DO go to the gym!]. I emailed, called and met with anybody I could to get connected with a potential job. I was always looking for an angle to make a connection. I poured more hours into my job search, and what were once great cover letters became one-page works of art that took hours for me to construct. Miraculously, doors began to open. I started getting calls for phone and in-person interviews. By trial and error I began to learn how to navigate these encounters. With every interview I felt myself improving and gaining confidence. I dedicated myself to reading self-help books, mostly from Dale Carnegie, and took this knowledge to interviews. Doors began to open widercompanies were offering me jobs! I went from praying for an interview to turning down positions because they just didnt fulfill all my needs. I was being looked at by one of the most luxurious and iconic hotels in New York City. A leader in the online travel agency was flying me out to their headquarters to meet with a panel of interviewers. A company I had turned down for a lower position offered me a management position. A complete 180 occurred! Winning the Game The search finally concluded in November 2012, after 6 months of relentless searching and networking. I accepted a position at a hospitality organization that is worthy of my talents and skills. A tremendous amount of time and effort was poured into this process and I got by with a little help from my new friends. Do you have a successful job search story to share? Please leave a comment below! Category:Job SearchBy Brenda BernsteinApril 23, 2013
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts - Essay Example Luxury rooms and luxury food have become the major features of modern Hotels like the Four Seasons Hotels. While going through the performance report, one finds that the firm has been implementing various strategies in branding, market segmentation, and product positioning. Table of Content 1. Introduction 2. Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts chain in the marketplace 3. Centralization and Decentralization 4. Technology at Four Seasons 5. The Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts’ Internet Site 6. SWOT analysis 1. Introduction The Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts is a Canadian based business organization started by Isadore Sharp in 1960. Today, the company has 74 hotels and 13 resorts operating in 31 countries around the globe, including USA, India, Egypt, Italy, Malaysia, and Hong Cong. The company also provides services like video conferencing, wedding services and vacation packages. It has now become the world’s leading operator of luxury resorts and hotels. Their highest stan dards of service and dedication to the customers have made them the benchmark in luxury hotels. In the opinion of Talbott (2006), the success of the Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts can be attributed to choosing its employees who provides the best genuine and innovative service and its unique organizational culture. 2. Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts chain in the marketplace The Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts has kept a distinguishable place in the marketplace rooted on their motto and vision statement of â€Å"treat others the way you would have them treat you†(Sharp, 2011). This puts the firm in an advantage point above the competing chains in the market. The main business strategy of the hotel is that it only hires people who seem to par with the vision of the organization. The management conducts thorough interview for the employees before they are appointed. The staffs of the hotel are asked to get into interrogation with the top level management regularly; this process makes the employees feel that they play an important role in the organization. On the other hand, in the opinion of Capodagli(n.d) the turnover rate at the Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts is much lower than many other competing luxury hotels. The employees have the chances of getting incentives and bonuses that is above normal. In the opinion of Aufreiter, Elzinga & Gordon (2003), the Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts’ consistency in treating the customers with respect and caring them in an excellent manner distinguished them from competitors. 2. Four Seasons’ delivery of service around the world The Four Season Hotel chain is highly noted for its excellent customer service all over the world. Burke, Martin & Cooper (2011 p.9) also state that the four qualities that hold the Four Seasons above some of their competitors are service, quality, culture, and brand. While delivering service over the international market, the Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts hold the view that there are things that have to be sustained in the same manner for some properties and there are things that must be differentiated according to the culture of the area the hotel is located in. Technology is used only as a complementary tool to the human interactions. A telephone call is made as a follow-up to answer the e-mail send by a customer. Whenever the Four Seasons’ officials visit their different properties, they spend time having dinner with the top-level
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